
Im getting an animal but what kind?

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i have a fish tank and i dont want fish what animal should i get something smaal not a mouse not fish but what ????? i might get a frog or lizard but what else will be good




  1. Turtles are good i just got ducks but they have to be outside but they were $5 each they make great pets!!

  2. a newt

  3. get a leapord gecko

  4. get a small bearded dragon they are easy to keep and adore human contact and attention  

  5. a turtle or snake ( snakes arent that scary)

  6. It really depends on how big that tank of yours is and what you plan to invest in a pet whether reptile, or small animal. The tank, if you plan on housing a lizard of some sort or an amphibian, or a rodent would need to be fitted with a secure screen lid. And then if you house a reptile or amphibian you would also have to include the costs of lighting,live insects or other prey food,substrate(bedding),hides,food/water bowls, ect. You might also have to even include vet bills. Here are my top 6 animals for a fish tank turned terrarium.....

    Geckos(Cresties and Leopard Geckos will be fine in a 10+ gallon tank. Cresties though like lots of vertical space to climb vs. leopard Geckos are terrestrial geckos and like more horizontal space to roam on the ground.


    Ornate horned frog(PAC MAN FROG) Voracious eater, can and will bite  if hand is placed in the tank accidentally.

    A single Hedgehog would be comfortable in a 20-30 gallon long tank fitted with a lid bud i suggest you do a bit of research as these are sometimes hard to find in and care for as they are more exotic than your normal rat or mouse.

    Single pet Rat- though they get a bad rep, fancy rats that they sell in pet stores are very intelligent animals,some can even learn tricks. Should be kept in a 10 gallon plus sized tank.:)

    If you don't mind arachnids, a scorpion or a tarantula would be comfortable in a 10 gallon tank. Even a giant millipede would work out as long as you aren't too squeamish around those types of things.

    I hope this helps, I will include some links and if you need more info i would be glad to help

    P.s turtles(aquatic ones like red eared sliders require ample swimming space. Minimum of 50 gallons per turtle but they can get large and sometimes 150 gallons per turtle is required....


    Above under 15$


    The Arachnids

    A Rat

    Pac Man Frog-Possible

    Above 15$


    Leopard Geckos/Cresties(30$ minimum can go up depeding on availability and morph)

    Newts im guessing cost about 20-40$ or maybe a bit more for rarer varieties. Im not really familiar with them but here is a site that sells them so maybe you can get an idea of which one and how much your going to spend:)

  7. Turtles are really fun to watch and to have. You also can have more then one so it's really cool to watch them interact with one another.

    They tend to get on the expensive side though.

    If you want a cheaper option, get a hamster. Seriously. Even though you said you didn't want a mouse, hamsters are extremely fun and pretty easy to take care of. They are at most $9 at petstores. Rats are awesome too. They are extremely smart and live pretty long. It is so cool to teach them tricks, etc.

    Newts and lizards are really boring, in my experience. They sit around and don't really do much. I wouldn't suggest getting one unless you just like looking at it stand there.

    I would certainly suggest a rat or hamster.

    Good Luck!

  8. Get a monkey

  9. Turtles are awesome. I had one when I was a little kid. Easy to take care of and fun to look at and hold.

  10. a baby human...oooooooooo

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