
Im getting braces, and i need your help?

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ok my dad is gonna get me braces and i dont know:

how its gonna feel

what to eat and what not to eat

what collor?

how long!




  1. Basically Braces Aren't All That Painful....U feel pressure at times but U get used to it, When u put them on it doesn't hurt but after for like two days when U eat...its going to hurt, ur teeth will b soree, itll  go away. But to b able to bite into food,it took me 2 weeks after i got my braces, everyone is different. U basically can't eat STICKY foods cuz they can get stuck in ur braces && they'll rot ur teeth, but u have to see what u can eat && cant, I cn eat Starburst && thats as sticky as I went with braces, Don't eat caramel or really sticky junk like that && u cnt bite into HARD foods, like apples, uhave to cut them down into smaller bites... Braces r fun I love mine, u can get ANY color u desire u can even have 2, I did many diff ones BLUE && WHITE, PINK && PURPLE, they have lotsaa colors && a lil chart, the helper can help u pick out a nice color. && the duration of the braces depends on how bad ur problem is, when u go in for a consulataion, they will tell u, && after ull need a retainer. BRACES r funn, I LOVE MINE =) Just Enjoy && Live Life, DUN CHEW GUM mine came off a lot faster cuz I followed the rules. GOODLUCKK

  2. Ahh, braces, the memories... and I'm 13 :P!!!

  3. well, it doesn't hurt to get them on, but it does a few hrs after, and it hurts to eat, for the first few weeks.

    Your dentist will give you a list of what you can eat, and can't.

    here is a site to pick your colors, i usually go with colors for the holiday, or my school colors

    and it really depends on your case do decide how long, some cases take anywhere from 6 monthes -4 years.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!----d:^)

  4. eat as much sticky food and hard food you while you can!

  5. feel= for the first couple of days after u get them on, it will be pretty uncomfortable. it will hurt to eat hard foods. eat  smoothies, yogurt, pudding, jello, icecream, etc.

    eat= u cant eat carmel or sticky things, bite into a whole apple or corn on the cob, and stuff like that. the orthodontist will go over wat u can and cant eat. they will most likely say u cant chew gum or drink soda. but i do and my teeth and braces r fine! :)

    color= watever color u want. clear, pink, blue, orange, etc. u can change the color wen u have checkups 2.

    how long= depends on yur teeth and wat yur ortho says. (maybe 1 1/2 - 2yrs) u also need 2 take care of them well. if u dont brush well or watever, yur braces will stay on longer. floss 2, its annoying, but u have 2 do it

    good luck!

  6. It won't fell that bad it might hurt for a couple of days though.

    My advice would be to eat soft foods don't eat any food that can get stuck in between your braces.

    I would say Black,Pink or blue

    Depending on how long it takes for them to adjust i might be for about 2 years.

  7. how its gonna feel --at first it will feel weird..but after a while you get use to them. it's not as bad as everyone makes it come out to be.

    what to eat and what not to eat-just don't eat anything carmel or now or laters. but the dentist will go over the list for you.

    what collor? anything but white..the white will turn colors when you eat stuff.

    how long!- it depends on how messed up your teeth are.

  8. it will feel kinda odd, it may hurt about an hour or so after you get them on, they won't hurt as they are being put on, the worse part in my opinion is getting them off!!!! it feels like they will rip out your teeth, after they are off though, it feels nice, i had mine on for about 2 years, that is the average, do everything the orthodontist tells you to do, i would say, any color you like, how bout your school's colors? that is common, my ortho said not to eat anything "icky sticky ooey or gooey" (i didn't rele listen though) also you aren't supposed to eat anything off the bone (ribs, chicken, etc) and corn on the cob is also supposed to be out, but who ever listens??? the ortho should tell you exactly what you can and can't eat, also, your talking will be a tiny bit funny after you get them on, mainly the "s"s, good luck!!!!

  9. 1. it will feel a little tight after they have placed them. but it does not hurt getting them put on, it's just a little tight when they put the wires in and have to twist them around to tighten them.

    2. you cannot chew gum, don't eat certain candy that is sticky or hard like licorice, now and laters, etc. just nothing that will be hard to clean out. you will not be able to bite into things like apples or corn on the cob. but you can eat just about anything else. about pink or blue

    4. how long you will have them depends on how long the dentist says you will need them. when i had braces the dentist said i would need them for about 2 years but i was able to stop a couple months short of that. but my brother had his for 4 years because he would not take care of them the way he was told. he also did not eat the right things. so it all depends on how well you take care of them and other things.

    good luck

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