
Im getting braces next thursday?

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they said i would be at the orthodontist for an hour and a half.

what are they going to do?

better yet.

does it hurt???????

im so scared.




  1. they are going to polish your teeth then glue the brackets on one by one until they are all on, then they will place a wire in the brackets then you will choose a color you want your braces to be then they will put on those small rubber band things on your brackets  to hold the wire in place, then they will tighten them up but not much for the first time. it doesnt hurt bad its just how your lips will react to them fora few days. you may get a few blisters but make sure you ask for some wax to put in them. but you should be good! :)

    hope this helped

  2. lol i ll be honest they use this jaw thing tht keeps ure mouth open for liek an hour an a half and just melt the mental into your teeth perfectly but dont worry they give u medcine to avoid the pain on your teeth but ure cheeks will be sore for a while lol

  3. what are they going to do? PUT UR BRACES ON. don't be scared. It don't hurt for too long.

  4. obviously put the brackets on and so forth. Yeah your mouth will be sore for about a week, just dont try and eat anything to hard.

  5. It will depend on how much correction is going to be made to your teeth. It will only be uncomfortable for several days then you'll be fine. Just follow what the dentist tells you and it will be 'smooth sailing'.

  6. Dont be scared braces only hurt when you first get them on and when u get them tightened since you have to get used to it. All they do is like put cement stuffs on your teeth then put the brace and and let it dry and they have to do it for each tooth then they have to put the wire through and the band on the brace, ignoring the cement part they do that when they tighten your braces, make sure to take good care of them so you can get them off quicker. By good care i mean flossing the braces and brushing every part of them along with your teeth and rinsing with mouth wash, also stay away from hard to chew foods.

  7. Getting the braces on doesn't hurt at all. The first thing they did to me was put this sour lemon stuff on my teeth to clean them, then they put glue on your teeth and stick like metal brackets on, then they take this gun thing with a big orange circle on the top of it and put it on the bracket, that dries the glue so it doesn't fall off, then they do that for all the teeth and depending on how bad your teeth are they'll put some on the back for the rubber bands. Then after they put all the brackets on they measure a wire and clip it onto the brackets that are the the teeth all the way in the back of your mouth and then they bend a little peice of the bracket to keep the wire on. Then they ask you what color you want them to be (you can pick any color you want!!), then you leave feeling sorry for yourself (atleast I did!!) lol. It doesn't hurt till like an hour after you get them on. Be prepared to eat very soft foods for about a week =( The time they put them on goes very fast!! Don't be scared =) When I got them on my parents got me an ice cream!! That's a plus!! Good luck and don't worry =)!!

  8. I am 38 and my daughter is 10. We both got our braces on the same day. Make sure you take advil 1 hour before you appointment and take them when recommended on the bottle. The braces are a little painfull. They put plastic things in your mouth to keep it open while they stick the brackets on. They will take them out when all the brackets are on. THEN, they fit you for the wires.....once the wires are on, you are done...... Your mouth will feel really full of "stuff" for the first day or so, they will be sore but if you take the advil when recommened on the bottle, you will not be that bad off....make sure to have something soft to eat for the first day, we ate mashed potatoes. Good luck!!!

  9. when you first get braces, your mouth is sore for about 5 days or maybe less or more. It's really hard to chew food but after that you'll be fine. dont be scared to get them

  10. the procedure is kind of annoying cuz they have to put this plastic thing in your mouth to keep it open. I donesnt hurt right away, but you will be sore for about a week. Make sure you have yogurt and stuff to eat b.c. you wont be able to chew. Everyone is a little different , but in general the prosses wont hurt, ooh and if u dont want yous lips to get all dry from the plastic they hold your mouth open, have chapstick. or your denstis should have vasaline =d good luck

  11. don't worry about it. =]

    it does feel very different at first, but trust me, you'll get used to it.

    at your first appointment with braces, they don't hurt but what's the most irritating is how they scrape the inside of your mouth. just put wax over the parts of metal that are sticking out and it'll be okay.

    good luck!

  12. I got braces yesterday and I've had some before so I think I can help!

    Don't be scared, all that they will do at the appointment is bond the brackets to your theeth, then put the wire in.  It won't start to hurt untill a few hours after you get them on.  It hurts, but not forever! Good luck!

  13. Your mouth will be very sore initially, but then you get use it to. Every time they tighten the braces it will be sore - but then it lessens.

    Gettting them put on doesn't hurt, it's just painstakingly long - i remember my mouth getting very dry and sore from being held open.

    Don't be scared, think of it as a right of passage - and fortunate that you can afford such a luxury!!

  14. I'm 13 years old, and have braces. I've had them for quite a while, and they feel perfectly fine to me, almost as though their part of my teeth. I'm not going to lie, they do hurt when you first get them, at least for the first day or two. Personnaly for me, they hurt the whole week, and leave painfull indents in my gums and lips from time to time, but for that first week, I had to hurry off to Quebec the moment I got them, because of my sisters Skating Nationals, and was tired and stressed out for most of that week. It varies for different people, many of my friends have them and have never had any problems. I find many times its only me getting painful indents. I think it depends on tooth size, mouth size, and many other things. Don't get worried, you'll get used to them, I did. Hope this helps!

  15. Well ususally the first step is spacers. Those last a week or so. They are thick rubber like bands that go between your molars. If you already have that....... the hardest part will be getting the bracket around your molors that has a lot 2 due with the right size and a lot of biting down on your part. Getting them on doesnt really hurt. But im sure when they put the wires in a week or so from then you will feel discomfort.

  16. Okay first they will clean your teeth off. Then, they put the bands on. (the silver rings that go around your back teeth) You bite on a stick and they go into place. Then, they will take them off and size them for you. Then, they will cement them will this sour blue glue. Then, they will put a retractor in your mouth to keep your mouth dry while they put the brackets on. It will fit inside your lips, and it's kinda uncomfortable. Then, they will put a tongue holder that keeps your tongue still and in place. And it also sucks the saliva so u dont have to swallow. Then they glue the brackets on. Then, They will fit and then put in your arch wire and any other special things u may need like springs or chains or whatever. Then they put your colors on if u choose :) It's not bad at all! No pain. Just uncomfort with the retractor. It especially uncomfortable when they are putting it in. Once it's in place you will be pretty good. It just feels weird not having to swallow. It's just........ annoying. Good luck! And don't worry! It's a total waste of time and u will see! Braces rock after the soreness is over! It's amazing to watch them totally transform your mouth! Good luck! : (#) haha!

  17. An hour and a half? Hmmm. It only took me about an hour.

    Here's what's going to happen:

    they'll put a large plastic thing in your mouth to keep your mouth dry so the adhesive will dry  properly. Depending on what type of braces you're getting, you'll probably have a silver band on your very back teeth. (One on upper left, bottom left, upper right, and one on bottom right.) While fitting this band to the correct size should be the only time when you experience any real discomfort. This band pretty much mounts the braces. But a lot of my friends didn't even get this band, although I did.

    The oral technician then puts glue on the outside of each tooth and places the brace on. Then they have to wait around 30 seconds for it to dry. After that dries, they move to the next tooth. After the person putting the braces on has finished this task, they put a wire connecting all of the braces. One wire on top, one wire on bottom. Then you get to choose what color rubber bands you want! The rubber bands hold the wire in.

    No, process isn't painful at all. It's just getting used to them that hurts.

    Don't worry. Your orthodontist/oral technician has done this tons of times before, and know exactly what they're doing! So relax. :)

  18. umm basically what theyre going to do is put braces on you're teeth, lol.  its kinda strange that it would take an hour and a half.  theyre gonna put the brackets on your teeth first then put the wire through and do whatever else they have to do depending on your teeth.  at the end they might ask you if you want to put coloured elastics on them just for fun, lol.  im not gonna lie and say that they dont hurt cuz they really do.  mine hurt a lot when i first got them on but it will go away in a few days, same thing when you get them tightened.  good luck. :D  ( and just think in a couple years your smile will be better than everyone elses :)

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