
Im getting braces soon and was wandering wat color i should get and wat the procedure is !!! (:?

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  1. get your favorite colors. just don't get red. red is soooo ugly. i am getting some soon, too. all my friends say its not that bad. i want mine. i hate my teeth. remember, get cool colors! good luck!

  2. your mouth, your braces, your colour, your choice

    first you get a mould done of top and bottom jaw (for later comparison (totally feral))

    then the put the silver metal bits on

    then they put the brackets on

    then they put the wire in place and attach it with the coloured bands

    then they talk you through what you can and cant do

    and they give a pack with stuff you need in it

    Can you please answer my question;...

    Hope I helped  

  3. they take a mold of your mouth with this plastic goop.

    then they put the little metal dots on each tooth.

    not to painful.

    the color is from the plastic bands not the metal. i liked purple. red looks like blood. yuk.

  4. I just got mine 4 months ago and the difference you see in your teeth is dramatic and quick!

    No worries.. getting the braces on isnt painful at all. They glue the metal to your teeth, and place the wire. You get the rubber bands put on too. After you've had them on for awhile, your mouth will probably feel sore, because your teeth arent used to being moved. It took a whole day before i even felt the soreness. The soreness doesnt last long though. It usually stops between 3 days and a week. and Tylenol or Ibuprofen should help.

    My first time, i choose pink cuz its my favorite color, but as ive switched alot, ive found that blue looks really good. Its my favorite, and ive actually kept blue more than once. Especially the teal and aqua shades. But its really whatever you like.

    Once every month, you go in to get your braces "tightened". Again, this isnt painful, but after awhile your teeth become a little sore again.

    You get used to the process quickly.

    Hope this helped. Good luck :)

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