
Im getting braces tomorrow morning!!??

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Do braces hurt?

And could you please tell me about the process, like what they do when you get them?





  1. omg they hurt like h**l.

    ull be eating soup and jello for the next few weeks :]

    well u might get head gear and/or rubberbands that u have to wear.

    head gear is only at night tho.

    but rubberbands u sometimes have to wear 24/7 and change once a day. THT sucks.

  2. Braces will improve your look, but they are certainly not comfortable. In the beginning, for the first few days, they are definitely painful. Having a foreign object in your mouth is never fun. Try holding a clean teaspoon in your mouth for about 3 minutes and see how desperate you will be to get it out fast. Well that is not even painful. Get ready for tongue and cheek sores - my son had all kinds of pain. Keep dental wax handy to press on the braces so it doesn't rub too much on the tongue and cheek.  If you are young and don't have your wisdom teeth yet, be ready to have them all extracted when you get to your teenage years. For that you have to have surgery. Then will put you to sleep and remove all 4. My son had that just a month ago. His teeth are ok, but not spectacular .I often wish he had never had braces in the first place. His was done for over crowding of teeth. Good luck. If you don't really need it, please forget it.

  3. 1.well first they will cement the brackets on ( no pain)

    2. fit your bands (kind of pain full but no worries its not that bad)

    3. cement your bands onto your teeth.

    4. fit your wire

    5.tie your wire to your brackets

    6.they may take some pics of your teeth

    Your teeth may be sore because its something new for your teeth but no worries pop in a advil and you'll feel better! Good luck! your smile will be gorgeous when you get them off!

  4. First they will put brackets in your mouth, which doesn't hurt at all!

    Then they would put the wire on, this well hurt from 1-7 days based on the person. For me it hurt for like 4 days, my friend 7 days, andother friend 3 days. It varies.

    Then every month they will tighten your wire, or get you a thicker wire.

    Then depending on your jaw line, you will get rubber bands which will even out your jaw. I heard it hurts, i haven't got mine yet.

  5. well, it doesn't hurt when they actually put them on, but approx. 2 hours later you probably will be in some pain because your mouth will be really tight. when you get them on, they put this thing in your mouth that like separates your cheeks and makes your mouth really dry. then, ocassionaly, they will clean off any fragments of anything thats on your teeth. then, they just glue them on.  

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