
Im getting bullied in school everyday. (8th grade)?

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i am really sick and tired of getting bullied by other kids. Sometimes they even outnumber me and push me around like im some kind of toy. I have never really been in a fight i havent experience anything like that cuz i dont know how to fight. im trying to train by myself. Im doing push ups,pull ups, and I practice doing the splits cuz im really fast at kicking and running. I cant join any martial arts cuz my moms always busy, she has word everyday. My dads somewhere on vacation, so i cant really go anywhere. I've been bullied for 3 years straight. Starting from 6 to 8th. Today i was bullied walking home, 3 guys pushed me around and took my backup and they threw it on the road. Im tired of just ignoring this. I actually wanna stand up for myself, but if I do i dont even know how to fight. Every year I get a black eye sometimes broken bones. And I wanna learn to fight by myself.




  1. What you need to know is that you are a good person and don't take their bull.

    My daughter used to get bullied all the time when she was in school and kids used to push her up against the wall, slam the locker door on her, stick pencils at her and all kinds of stuff.  Then when she was 17 she wanted to and actually tried to kill herself, she was depressed.  She thought that she wasnt' good enough for any thing.  

    Well  that was a little farther that where you are now.

    But don't let it get that bad.

    I got her into a hospital for teens that are having problems and they taught her how to stick up for herself.

    So if they have a counselor at school to tell them.

    Just remember that you don't have to take their c**p any more and that you are better than they are and stick up for yourself.

    Your parents have stuff they have to do and it's hard to get them to listen sometimes but you have to make them and tell them you are tired of the stuff that's going on and you need help.  

    Find a fighting group like boxing if you can or when you get in high school join up with the wrestling sport, they lift weights and stuff.  You might be able to get a head start on that by finding someone to help now during the summer.  There are people that used to do that in school that would probably like to help a kid learn the ropes.

  2. those teens are nothing but lowlife's that bully othe poel because they think it cool

    but really there doig it because they want attenton

    stand up for your self or you could just ignore them

    hope this helps

  3. I'm sorry that your getting bullied. and i know your trying to know how to be in a fight but the best thing to do is tell the teacher if its during the school day or they ll really get in trouble if you get punched and you tell i know you probably don't want to tell because it might make you look like a wimp but you know that your not and you ll know that your the more mature one. you should keep on training though just in case. and if you do get in trouble by hurting him when your in a fight it wont be your fault your just trying to defend your self

  4. im really sorry to hear about some of the ******* where you come from, i know it's not much help but in a couple of years those losers will be pumping your gas while you drive a mercedes, so don't let it get you down too much

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