
Im getting close to reaching level 5. What special dance should I do to celebrate again?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I reach a level I do a special dance. 10 points for the most original!




  1. Hmm... that a hard one! Well maybe you should make one up? Make a mixture of all the dances you've done so far or something strange! You don't want the BEST dance ever. Save that for later! (Level seven or something great) But you do want it memorable!

    Good luck

  2. do the numa numa dance!!! lol  

  3. Just do it with the guy you meet the night before.

  4. Do the Mazurka slowly to a Strauss Waltz, or else just hop around like a madman, wearing a grass skirt and snowshoes, oh don't forget the Pith Helmet-it just wouldn't be the same without it

  5. Well, this may sound silly, and it was. But a friend and I use to only get to our favorite Mexican restaurant about twice a year because of distance. They had the BEST hot sauce, so, when we were headed there, we would do the special "hot sauce" dance! So, I say you do the special level 5 dance! It could be any mixture of the moves you did at level 2-4...with a splash of level 5 ;)

  6. The chicken dance! In a salsa dress! Do the chicken dance!

  7. Maybe you should recreate Marie Osmond's fainting spell.

  8. Dude you gotta do the dance i break out whenever I land a new trick. You gotta strut at least 4 steps, slide to the right, slide to the left, airplane two steps and pull your hat forward (cause i wear mine backwards, so pulling it forward the rim is above your face, you know). Everybody does it when I start up.

  9. do it underwater!!!!!!!!!! that would be cool!

  10. Hokey Pokey is Level 2

    Chicken Dance is Level 3

    Mexican Hat Dance is Level 4

    The Neutron Dance is Level 5

    The Electric Slide is Level 6

    & the Hamster (Yamster) Dance is Level 7

  11. ooh ooh i know do the s**y dance i did it after i saw miss congeniality and the mrs rhoade island girl talked about it lol it made it sound funn

  12. Diorthe MacEgyptianCotonChicken tango with me. I'm a professional, you won't be the same afterwards.

  13. You should most definitely do the L*****n two-step. xD

  14. you should do a dance where you pick me as your top answer cause then ill be lvl 2 =]. no but really you should spin on your head and do the chicken dance while spinning on your head, i would pay to see that =O

  15. Do the higgledy-piggledy jig! First you put on a bee-hive wig (like the B-52's) because it rhymes with the "High Five", sort of, and then you waltz around the house with a stuffed animal piggy (or a real one, for that matter) and sing:

    Charlotte's web of deceit and lies

    Called Wilbur a w***e and mocked his cries,

    Then she got worse and called him a s**t

    And said here piggy piggy come suckle my butt.

    Then she got wrong and called him a horneysuckle hive

    And he was like f**k you my lady I'm now a level 5ive!

    And you can sing it pretty much to the theme of the Beverly Hillbillies (except you'll have to sing line 5 really fast). =)

  16. The Chicken Dance obviously =)

  17. The Ländler.  It's an elegant Austrian dance, the precursor to the waltz.

    Best if you do this with a partner, to nice music by Schubert and with a bottle (or two) of very nice wine, in candlelight.  

  18. thanx, I needed that ! -lol

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