
Im getting married 4 the 3rd time. where would it be ok to get married at? a church or outside wedding?

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the man im marrying has never had a real wedding or in a church and he wants to go all out as 4 me i have had 1 church wedding. he wants his 1st dance .he wants to go all out.what should i do?




  1. If I were in your shoes, I'd let him have his day.  And, just because it's your 3rd marriage, doesn't make it any less special than your other 2 weddings, right?  Thankfully, I think the days where you kept a 2nd wedding more "low key" are about over and done with.  So, celebrate just as much as you did with your other 2 marriages, and I wish you all the best that this will be your best marriage, and your lasting marriage.  Best wishes to you both!

  2. a beach in mexico or LA. it's perfect

  3. do what you want. it's your wedding, dont think about what other people think. it's your and your fiances wedding, do what you want.

  4. Either place would be ok.  You have said where HE wants to get married... where do YOU want to get married?

    I would say that an outdoor wedding in a Park followed by an all out celebration would be the best of both worlds!

  5. Make sure this is the one cause getting married in a church is really sacred and well you know.  I think 3rd one is the charm so do what you feel its your wedding go all out.

    Just make sure that you know he is the one you wanna be with FOREVER!!!!

    Good Luck.

  6. A wedding in a church is really amazing. You have fun and your with all your family and friends. If it's his first marriage try to make him happy and do what he wants.

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