
Im getting married in a yr or so my fiance's credit is great but mine isnt should i jus get a home is his name

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Im getting married in a yr or so my fiance's credit is great but mine isnt should i jus get a home is his name




  1. I'm in the same fiance is helping me rebuild my credit b/c I'm not so great at budgeting.....

    We're going to stay in our apt at least a year after our wedding to save for a down...after we have even a small down we're going to apply for the home loan together, if we can't get approved then we'll put it in his name then keep fixing up my credit and after a few years refinance with both our names....

    If your FH loves you this won't be an issue, just don't wait to tell him about it.

  2. Well, the first thing you want to is sit down with HIM and make a financial plan TOGETHER to slowly get yourself out of debt.  I'm assuming you've told him.  Yes, if his credit is great, then the first year of marriage, I would put some things in his name but be sure to put some things in your own name.  The best way to repair credit is to 1) pay more than the minimum payment, 2) call the companies & ask for a lower interest rate every 6 months, and 3) make a plan to pay off the HIGHEST interest rate card first.  Marriage can be hard so you want to have a partner who is with you in everything - even repairing credit!! :)  Goodluck!

  3. You might want to put off a purchase as big as a home until your credit gets a little better, if that is an option.  My fiance will be needing a new car soon, his is on its last legs, and once we get married it will likely go in my name so we can get it financed.  However a car is a much smaller purchase than a house.  I say see if you can put it off because if you want to change the names for the owners of the house later you could end up having to pay sales tax on the current price of the house.

  4. After you are married, buy a home with both your names.

  5. If you can clean up your credit, do that. If you can't clean it up within a yr, talk to your mortgage guy or financial advisor and see what would be an easier way to get a mortgage w/ good interest- you and your fi together or just him. My credit is good and my fi's isn't so hot, however it did really affect our buying a home.. I guess cause mine was REALLY good and his wasn't HORRIBLE, just needed some work... talk to a mortgage guy and they'll tell you.

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