
Im getting married in four days! Yay! BUT.....?

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I think Im getting sick! With a cold, sore throat, ear ache.... and to top it off I have a zit the size of France on my face.... please help with any advise!




  1. Put toothpaste on the zit, it dries it out. Sounds weird but it works for me.

    As for you getting sick start taking meds ASAP! Either get to the doctor or get Tylenol cold and flu night and day tabs. Thats what I start taking when I start feeling sick.

  2. Rest, relax and sleep.  Lots of vitamin C and hot tea.  For the zit try some toothepaste.

  3. You need to take it easy. Stress is what is making you sick. You need to drink lots of fluids and take vitamin C, for the zit, use some acne med. If it hasn't gone away on the day of the wedding make up can work wonders. Just try to stay relaxed.

  4. Get to a walk in urgent care clinic ASAP!!!  They can put you on antibiotics and you will be feeling fine (though will still be on antibiotics) by your wedding date.  Don't delay!  Go to an after hours clinic if needed but go now!!!

    DO not touch/squeeze your mountain sized zit no matter what!!! I had one and attempted to squeeze it and it the whole side of my nose swelled up right before my first day on a new job!!! Leave it alone!  Sometimes dermatologists can inject zits to make them go away faster...that is if you have not touched it.  My dermatologist said that he could not touch my huge zit because I touched it and made it worse. Good luck!

  5. Whatever you do... DO NOT pick at the zit, or else you will have a bigger problem on your hands because it will be HARDER to cover up.

    Seriously, vitamins and tea with honey (for the sore throat), lots of liquids, and try to go to the docs and see if they can give you something for the symptoms.

    Feel better and GOOD LUCK!

  6. Try some Zicam or Cold-Eze

  7. I would suggest taking some form of Emergen-C or Airborn. They are packed with Vitamins and help your immune system.

    Drinks Orange Juice and Water.

    Sweat as much as you can.


    Wash your face, put toothpaste (not gel) on the zit. Put it on at night and wash it off in the morning. Repeat as needed nightly.

  8. Eat lots of healthy foods that you feel comfortable with (soup and sandwhiches are always good) get lots of rest and put some toothpaste on your zit!

  9. you need to rest, and go to your local spa for  a high frequency treatment. it will kill the zit instantly..and you need to take airborne 4 your cold... Its Mind over matter try to just take things easy.. Have a great day..

  10. Yeah!  Congratulations!  I'm getting married in 4 days too!  Whenever I feel something coming on I drink lots of tea (chamomile) with lemon and honey.  Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and try to relax!  As for the zit, let me know if you find a good remedy.  I'm in the same boat!

  11. If you feel a cold coming on take a couple Nyquil caplets and get a solid 8 hours sleep.  That stuff knocks you out fights your cold overnight!

    Good Luck and congrats!

  12. Toothpaste for the zit is good - DON'T POP IT!!!!

    For the illness, you ahve enough time that if you got an antibiotic you'd be just about perfect.  I recommend going to the Dr so they can get you a prescription!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!  Have fun!

  13. They sell this medicine at Target ( & probably ever other store) that clears a cold in 3 days ( don't know the name though).

    I think it's Neutragina or Clean & Clear that have a product out that says it clears your face in a day or two. Commercials come out on tv all the time (with teen saying they didn't go to the first day of school).


  14. its normal and its the nerves. try to relax as hopefully u got everything taken care of. go off to a spa and spoil yourself or better yet have you future husband do it for you

  15. yeaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! go to the dr asap and tell them you are getting married and they will give you something strong to knock it out.boil a pot of water and put a towel on your head and breathe in all the steam do that 3 times a day.for your ear ache warm up some olive oil and when it is warm but not boiling hot put in a few drops and keep your head tilted and then out a piece of cotton in it.sore throat drink teaspoon of honey and lemon.for the zit get a handtowel and put warm water on it and then put that directly on the zit.the warm will help the pus comes to the surface.make sure you sleep and get plenty of rest.i hope these help but make sure you go to the dr.

  16. Chicken soup.  Orange juice.  Hot tea.  Lots of water.


    Call your doctor in the morning and tell them you need to be seen ASAP because you're getting married Saturday.  If you've been running a fever, ask the doctor to do a strep screen.  If you are getting sick with something that is caused by a virus, you're stuck with chicken soup, orange juice, hot tea, lots of water, and over-the-counter medications.  If you have strep or tonsillitis or a sinus infection, starting antibiotics will keep you from being sick on your wedding day.

    Oh - if you are on the pill and have to take antibiotics, remember you will need to use another method of birth control IN ADDITION to the pill for the rest of this cycle.  Antibiotics make birth control pills less effective.

    Sleep.  You're excited and you're way too busy this week, but you have to get your rest if your body is going to recuperate.

    Humidifier.  Got one?  Use it.  Breathing warm, moist air can really help a sore throat or congested sinuses.  

    LOTS OF WATER.  (Remember this - there will be a quiz later.)

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