
Im getting my wisdom teeth cut out but after that is it ok to drive??

by  |  earlier

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if i just get numbed will it be ok to drive back home?? i tried asking my friends but they either said they r busy or they cant drive. my appointment is like in 14 hr. pls help.




  1. Don't drive, get some other form of transport. Dentists usually advise you not to drive after an extraction,my does.

    It's not worth the risk of you bleeding more as driving can be stressful raises your blood pressure and you bleed out more.

    PLEASE don't drive.

  2. It would obviously be preferable to have someone drive you back from your appointment, since you will be in pain and still bleeding.

    If absolutely no one you know can pick you up, consider taking a bus or calling a cab.  I must stress:  Do NOT even consider driving if you will be put under general anesthesia - that is, made unconscious during the procedure.  Otherwise, if you're just getting a local anesthetic (shots into the gums) then stay around the waiting room for 30-60 minutes, change the gauze (this should be done every 10 minutes), and let some of the numbness wear off.  

    Once the gauze shows significantly reduced bleeding, spots instead of bleeding through, you're probably OK for a short drive.  Driving is not the best option.  But if you must do it, please drive more carefully than usual and try hard to be aware of your surroundings.  

    I just got three wisdom teeth out the day before yesterday, so I know what it's like.  Take some Tylenol an hour before your appointment, and bring some with you to take afterward.  Good luck.

  3. NO!! I got them out a few months ago. No one seemed convinced that I could walk without assistance, though I felt fine. I was probably stumbling all over the place.

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