
Im getting ready to run a 5k and i am wondering what i should eat before the race?

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Im getting ready to run a 5k and i am wondering what i should eat before the race?




  1. I eat pasta the night before a race, but i dont stuff myself. Dont eat anything thats harsh on the stomach or heavy such as beef. The morning of the race, i have a small bowl of wholesome cereal such as cheerios about a hour and a half before my race. I always drink 1 whole bottle of water an hour before the race (make sure u go to the bathroom before ur race if u do this.)

    U dont really have to worry about eating energy bars and energy foods. The feeling u want to go into the race is your content. You dont want to feel there is food in ur stomach but u dont want to be hungry.

    Goood luck and hope u do well!

  2. Load up on carbs because they'll give you more energy, things like bread, cereal, rice, mainly grains. Also drink a lot of water and be sure to pace yourself. Good luck!

  3. You don't need any special food. Eat something simple the night before, stay away from meat and protein. The morning of the race eat some oatmeal or a little fruit. The biggest problem would be to have something on your stomach that would make you feel ill.

    Drink plenty of water so you are not dehydrated.

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