
Im getting spacers on in 2 days and i wanna no does it hurt when they put them on pleace anser back ♥kaitlyn

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pleace anser im rellly wodering does it hurt when they put them on not relly after but when the otherdontis is puting them on and umm does bracets hurt when he puts them on ??? because im get brackets then the week after that im getting the braces




  1. i got spacers 2 weeks ago and putting them in takes 1 second and it will feel like a piece of meat is stuck in ur mouth where the spacer is. for the 1st day it will really hurt but the next day it shouldnt really hurt. and if it hurts really bad u should take Tylenol. well thats it Good Luck!

  2. I just got my spacers yesterday and it didnt hurt at all when they put them in. Its a little sore now but not really bad. I havent gotten braces yet but i have heard spacers are the worst part. But my spacers dont hurt that much, and I am very sensitive to pain. Hope that can help!  :)

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