
Im getting threatening phone calls late at night!! HELP!!

by  |  earlier

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This has been going on for a few weeks now. I have noo idea what the number is because its always a private call. once i picked up and it sounded as if i was talking to a black girl. i picekd up and said hello who is this. she responds by saying DONT WORRY ABOUT IT..and im like okay. she says: AWW ARE U SCARED? i say no and she says WELL U SHOULD BE. BITCHU BETTER WATCH UR BACK. I ask her again who is this and she says DONT WORRY ABOUT IT with an attitude. I HAVE NO IDEA who this could be..and i NEVER did anything to anyone! I am so scared yet confsued. she calls me about 5 times a month always between 11-12 at night. help! what should i do!

[ i know i sound like a 5year old but i was typing really fast, this is true so please ignore my grammer haha ]




  1. lol, definitelly get the police involved... it doesn't sound that serious yet... but definitly get the police. either that, or stop picking up ; )!

    if any one knows about youmacon, help!;...

  2. Call the police immediately. If you dont know her it could be a stalker and they might know where you live. i would find a place to stay while the police investigate just to be safe.

  3. A. Dont pick up your phone

    B. Call the police  

  4. if its on a cell phone record it!!

    if its a home phone record it by a camera or a video tape or soemthinn

    turn it into a police station and they will take care of it..

    you should do it like the next time they call u cuz u dont kno if somethin bad hapens to you or soemthinnnnn

    hope this helped!!

  5. you should report it to the police and your tel company especially if the calls are threatening

  6. i think its just little school ***** drama with ur friends. white girls like u like to cause drama.

  7. Call the police. Record the conversation if you can. Write down the times the incidents occur.  

  8. - ignore the caller, just hang up

    or if you want to play their game

    1. record their call

    2. when they call back, play it back for them

    3. tell them you have reported them to phone company and/or police(if its death threats)

  9. you should call the cops or step up and tell her things too

  10. call the police. they can track your phone and then you can sue for harassment

  11. Call the Cops .. It could get serious  

  12. i would call the police and contact your phone company

    believe it or not they can track private phone numbers (i have been through a situation similar to this)

  13. play along and make her feel dumb. try to sound very disinterested.

    don't worry about it - okay

    aww are you scared - yes

    watch your back - okay. thanks for the tip. bye.

    lol do what vampire princess suggested. next time she calls when you greet her tell her you miss her and ask her how shes doing lol

  14. Could this be one of your friends playing a joke on you and disguising their voice? I had this happen to me for a bit and it turned out it was one of my friends.

    Next time she calls, say something like "oh, it's you again! How are you?" and act like she's an old friend or something since she calls you all the time. Never let her know you're scared. If she really intended you harm she would have done something by now, so most likely she just wants a reaction. Does she even know where you live? Invite a bunch of friends over on a few nights - like if she normally calls on Fridays or you notice some sort of pattern, invite them over then, and say something like "why don't you come visit me?" and then if she drops by you have safety in numbers. If you really feel as if you're dealing with someone that intends you harm, then don't basically invite them over - but it's still a wise idea to have some friends along, besides then maybe you can put it on speakerphone and see what they think.

  15. call the cops, they can trace the call and the perp will be arrested, trust me, i prank called this old lady all the time, she finally got fed up.. anyways, call the police, they take the stuff seriously, seeing as it is illegal, harassment. :)

  16. you can report and have  this put to an investigation, what she is doing is illegal. the cops will call your phone company and the phone company then can trace the number. Soon enough that little girl who thinks she's oh so funny will be getting a visit from the cops.

    You cannot call your phone company and expect them to trace that number that is coming into you privately because it is illegal for them to give out such information unless it's required by authorized personal.

  17. Call the phone company and the police.  If you haven't already, start writing down the exact dates and times of the calls.  They'll be able to track them that way.  

    If all else fails, you can change your number, but that would suck, so try the police and phone company first.

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