
Im getting tired of my gf playing and dancing to this song, how can I tell her nicely?

by  |  earlier

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She is into 2 live crew and her fav song is, Face down, a$$ up. She always wants to dance to it and sing it and plays it in the car like 3 times in a row. Im all for her expressing herself, but how can I tell her nicely without being mean?




  1. She may be trying to annoy you so play out some reverse psychology and act like you like the song as well. Then maybe she'll stop. If not, maybe you'll learn to like the song.

    If all else fails, I agree with the first post.

  2. ... don't... stop being a prissy ********* and suck it up.

    If you care that much... your just being retarded.

    I am surprised you could even get someone so fun... why should you complain...

    Oh! and stop being so serious!!!!!!!

    Nobody likes a downer!

  3. use the song "broken face" by the Pixies

    that song takes like, 3 years to get used to.

  4. be like hey .... that song u like.... ITS ANNOYING ME

    so yea.... can u ever hear another song


    appreciate it.

  5. just say ummmm we already listened to that song and danced to it today...mind if we listen to something else?

  6. fight fire with fire and play your fav song, till she breaks just like you.

  7. most excellent!

  8. Just tell her " Know what? I don't really like this song. So Can you please stop? " If she do, then say thank you. If she didn't , please dont dump her like other answerers had said. Give her some time to change her habit.

  9. push her down the stairs

  10. hey listen..."can you PLEASE SHUT THAT **** OFF"!....."THANK YOU"!!

  11. Just tell her straightforward. That's not being mean. It's called HONESTY.

  12. Ask her if she has any other bands or songs that she likes. If she has an mp3 player ask her if she wouldn't mind hitting shuffle. Or, ask her if she doesn't mind listening to some of your music for a while.

  13. Get her a pair of headphones.

  14. say it jokingly, "ur making me hate this song u know..."  

  15. Be like I love ya hun but I just dont wanna hear this right now...OR EVER.

  16. When she asks to put the song on tell her that you really don't want to hurt her feelings but you don't like the song. But tell her nicely.

  17. Dispose of the CD without her knowing, hopefully she will assume she lost it.

    Should give you at least a few hours of peace before she burns/buys a new one.

  18. just say, babe, i know you like this song, but can you listen to it when im not around?

    i dont really like it.

    and if she says no, dump her :D

  19. talk to her politely about it  

  20. just tell her to stop playing the same thing over and over.

    If she is so selfish that she doesn't stop playing it, then dump her.

    it would be a symptom of a much bigger problem!

    my bf and me have very different music tastes....

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