
Im getting to where i hate my mom!?

by  |  earlier

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she took the camera my boyfriend gave me for christmas, and didnt give it back or tell me where it was. I had to searach for it.

Shes just being a total ITCH these days! shes changed so much, when im on the computer for a couple minutes its get off i want on!

my stepdad was trying to do something nice for my sisters to take them to go see thier cousins and stay the night so my mom called the peoples house theyre going to and complained to them about how she does everything [which is a LIEEEEEE] and how shes getting to the point where shes done with him. Shes complaining about gas prices and i cant go to my boyfriends now [when prices have gone bown about 50 cents]

anyways, its about a gallon of gas to take me from my bfs house back home and gas was 3-75. so he gave my mom 4$ to help out. SHe started complaingin about how he didnt give her any more money! dang, hes not paying to drive you to work or let my sis go over to her bfs!

SO then, my boyfriends parents said they will pick me up tommarrow and drive me back and she said no because she has no gas! we tried explaining that SHE DOESNT HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER!

seh also just lied about how my stepdad took me to go school shopping and spent 300$

but he only spent 100 and she the one that suggested him takin me so i have some clothes.

so i turned around and looked at her just a usual look nothing mean, and she was like YOU TURN BACK AROUND RIGHT NOW, dont need to be cuttin me no dirty looks.

uhg! she kinda hurts me.





  1. aww i'm sorry i hope she will get over this sooner or later

  2. just tell her face to face

    or you could write a letter saying all the things you think and make it really deep and meaningful and maybe she should wak up to herself

  3. So is this just a long litany of your coMplaints, or  is there actually a question in here, because if there was, I for sure didn't see it.

  4. Let me tell you this right now.

    A LOT of moms are drama queens. Although, my mom isn't crazy in the way yours is, I can relate. :\ Some of my hardest times in high school were due to my mom's stress. I understand that my mom has a lot of matters on her back, so I try and keep as calm as I can around her. Things usually get better once you start going to college though.

  5. she does sound like a itch just tell her up straight how u feel

  6. rebecca, I feel so sad for you.  Even allowing for some bias on your part, it's clear to me that your mother has not so much LIED to you and others as much as she BELIEVES what she is saying is true.  From what you are describing, and in your own words stating that none of you could convince her of anything once she made her mind up, your mom is in need of  an intervention.  You mother has gotten very angry and aggressive at  times without being  provoked.  She sounds like she is going through menopause, depression, or possibly she is at  or very near the edge of a psychotic break.  I would suggest you quietly and privately speak to your father about his, and let him know your feelings.  You might print out a copy of your question and the answers you get.  The important thing right now is to NOT upset her as much as possible, or go along with whatever she suggests.  Your mother needs help hun, and very quickly.  Be aware that she will probably go ballistic when her intervention happens, and she will say some pretty awful things.  Understand taht she might be ill mentally, and forgive her in advance.  You father and your sibs there must all stand together on this.  I would highly suggest you look in the yellow pages or the state/county/city pages for crisis and intervention phone numbers to call.  She needs your help hun, and though its going to be hard to do this, realize what you are doing is to help her.  Meet with your father, make your plan, and get the professionals to help you.    Let me know how it goes, if you can.

  7. Try to talk to her nicely and politely, about how what she is doing is making you feel. Tell her you love her and want to get on, Try to stay calm and polite with her. Try asking other people for lifts when possible, and maybe get a part time job to contribute to costs. Good luck!

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