
Im goin to public school next year. Im really nervous, any advice?

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Im going to a new school a public school and i wont know ANYBODY there. HELP!!




  1. be yourself

    dont brag about anything they will judge you

  2. Some people think of public schools as a pretty scary place. I've been in public schools since kindergarten and i've always had fun, made many friends, and always had wonderful teachers. Public schools are a great place and you will have a fun and enjoyable time there. All you have to do is be yourself, and im sure you will make friends in no time!

  3. Be yourself. Don't act like you're better than everyone else because you came from a Private/Home school. That'll drive people away.

    The best thing to do is just relax and take things as they come.

  4. Wish I was you....

  5. have fun?

  6. no worries its fine , just dress normal and make friends

  7. Just be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not, and just have fun! Don't get too nervous! I'm sure it'll turn out great!

    P.S. Bring a home packed lunch. School lunch sucks!

    Have fun & good luck!

    Hope this helped!

  8. dun worry!! be urself and ull make friends in no time!! GOOD LUCK

  9. just be yourself, don't give into peer pressure, don't try to act cool, don't try to be popular, just be you and everything will go ok.

    P.S. If there's bullies ignore them. If they threaten you tell you parents. (I hope I didn't scare you. You might not have to deal with bullies)

  10. don't worry. public schools aren't that bad, and after a while, you'll probobly like the social atmosphere, as opposed to homeschooling. i guarantee that you'll make friends. there are so many kids worrying about the exact same thing, noone's totally confident.

  11. Don't be nervus... I've gone to privat schools almost my whole life, no sweat.. just make sure to pic your friends wisely :D, cuz like any skewl there are trouble makers!  And chances are that if you are comming out of a privat skewl you're smart right? well try to keep your grades up but don't show off to attract attention, other wise NERD will be your new nick-name.  But yeah It's not that bad.. I'm pritty smart 75-80 average and i'm also one of the most popular guys who attend the school so yeah have fun!

  12. i know it sounds dumb, but just be yourself.that way you won't feel awkward and since public schools are so big, you'll soon have at least one friend, probably more. don't be too shy, people don't like feeling like you're scared of them. unless they're just mean, and u wouldn't want to hang out with those people anyway. good luck:)

  13. Well first, your gonna have to make friends there. It's not so bad just be nice and have fun :D

  14. You have so many more oppertunities there...find something you like...a club a it. Talk to the people around you in class. Take the classes you'll be interested in.

  15. what grade are you in? It is not that bad.

  16. It's alright!! This means you'll have a chance to make nice new friends! The worst thing you can do is pretend to be someone you're not.. just relax and be yourself.

    Have confidence and walk into the school with a smile on your face and think "I can do this, today will be great!" Trust me, the positive charm always works :D Good luck I hope this helps you, because it did for me!

  17. All you have to do is pay attention and lay low until you start to identify who you mesh with. Then before you know it you will have a plethora of freinds.

  18. I went to public schools up until highschool when I switched to a private school, so I can help you there. Public schools are all about cliques. So just be friendly with everyone and what ever you do DO NOT gossip. Then you will fit in with everyone and have good history.

  19. be yourself...the thing about people is they always seem to want to get to know "the new girl" so just be youself and im sure youll meet lots of great new friends! have fun!

  20. do not be scared all you have to do is to be yourself. get good grades .go to school on time do not cut !!! do not let the phony girls get to you just walk away from them. also listen to your deans .

    and the main thing is to have fun.

  21. dnt worry abut a thing i was ht e new girl last year my advice to you is to always stick up for youself because many kids like to take advantage of the new girl (i would know) joining after school activities can help make things somewhat easier and try not to look so shy even if you are be yourself just dont push it and if you start to make a new friend you should stick with him/her for a couple and let them introduce you to some new people and try to make friends with the closest person you sit next to (if they arent doing the wrong thing) and just be yourself try not to try and blend in with what everyone else is doing and many kids will look up to you for that (theyll know your not a jock)and real friends will except you for being yourself i hope this helps you and good luck :)

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