
Im going back 2 school!

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ok well i have been home-schooled for a few years but I'm going back this year as a sophomore! I'm very excited but I'm clueless on things like should i bring a backpack and a purse 2 school or leave my books there and just have 1 big purse? do i bring my bags with me 2 p.e. and class? i have p. e. first was that a bad idea? will i get all sweaty at the first of the day, should i switch it 2 go last? do i wear my gym clothes to school then change into my reg clothes after wards? I'm nervous!

please help me out thanks alot

much love




  1. bring a back pack and purse because it will be easier  to transport binders and folders even if you have an extra set of books at home. you also don't want to but that much weight on one shoulder. And if you order lunch you don't want to dig around forever trying to pay for your food. (Been there done that!) don't bring a very big purse but one easy to hold AND big enough to carry all necessary items. make sure it has a zipper so you won't easily lose stuff also, an organized purse is just as important as an organized backpack! If you are going to go to a public school you should probably opt for a mesh backpack (I don't go to a public school but nearly all in my state require it) there are many cute styles and colors available at places such as office depot instead of the clear looking plastic kind go ahead and bring your bags with you to pe it won't be necessary but  it could be easier depending on where your locker is.  stay at the pe class you originally signed up for a few weeks and then if you don't like it switch. you may make friends in that class and decide you want to stay with them. if you decide you get too sweaty first period switch to last. bring your pe clothes with you to school to change into. Don't be nervous you'll do great if you be yourself. Make sure to introduce yourself to people. If you see someone struggling about where to sit or is quiet talk to them and ask them to sit with you. They will be really grateful and you'll be returned the favor someday. You could even get to be really good friends with them! Be respectful to all teachers and do your homework the night its assigned even if its do in 2 days or so. Joining clubs and commitees will help you make friends too. hang out with people that your family would approve of. Friends are very important but grades are too! Good luck and have fun!

  2. You don't dress out or do PE on the first day of school, silly. I don't know how your school works, but mine has a classroom set of books and a home set, and you leave the home set at home. But if yours isn't like that, either bring one big purse or one backpack. It looks silly when someone carries two bags around, and it's easier to lose one of them if you carry two.

    Hope I helped,


  3. Well Im not in high school, I'm in middle school, but here's how all the questions you asked work in my school. You should bring a backpack and a purse because 1 big purse may not be able to fit all of your textbooks, notebooks, pencil cases, binders, etc. plus all of the regular things like pads, lip gloss, cell phone, etc. So, you keep your school supplies in a bookbag that you keep in your locker and take stuff from it when you go class to class, and have a purse for regular stuff that is just cool to have.  Most likely, you will have a gym locker room, so you keep your books and your purse in the locker room near your gym locker. Keep your bookbag in your regular locker. It is kind of a bad idea to have gym first period because you might stink and get sweaty for the rest of the day. You shouldn't have it last period though either because if you walk home, you will be too worn out. Have it like 4th or 5th period. There is a gym locker room. You wear your regular clothes to gym, but bring your gym clothes in a plastic bag. When you get into the girls locker room, change your clothes in there. When gym class is over, change back into your regular clothes.

    Hope I Helped

  4. First, take a deep breath, it'll be ok lol :D

    Personally I carry around a tote bag [Hollister has some really nice big ones] and also a purse. People on here say this is silly, but I really don't know why lol For one thing you can use the tote as a backpack, carrying your books, pencils, binders etc. and then you put purse stuff lol, in your purse lip gloss, eyeliner, compact, brush etc. This way if you go to the bathroom you wont look silly bringing all of your books when you can just bring your purse :D

    My school lets us use lockers, but we dont HAVE to use them. I don't use one but I probably will this year, stupid AP classes lol Like a person above me said, some schools give you a home set and a class set. But they probably wont assign you text books to bring home the first day.

    You don't do P.E. the first day, you'll probably start the second week. And in my school we bring our books to P.E. and just stick them in our P.E. lockers. I would suggest having that class at the end of the day because I hate being all sweaty for the rest of the day.

    Just relax on your first day :D It'll be fine don't worry about. Don't bring to much stuff, just a binder, paper, and some writing utensils. And most importnantly smile and have fun!

    Lots of luck to you :D


  5. First off, yes it is a bad idea to have first period p.e. You'll get all sweaty first thing in the morning and you'll be tired...but then again it might wake u up, but u should totally change that.

    Second, a lot of girls have been carrying tote bags and stuff, i have thought about doing that this year too. But when you really think about it, there are a lot of things that you will have to carry a backpack would be better. A bag puts all the weight on one shoulder.

    And after the first day u should be able to determine where you should keep your bag.

    One bag...don't bring your whole life with you!

    Maybe just your backpack and a purse.

  6. Okay. Just relax. Everything really depends on your school. If you have a bag big enough to fit all of your books and such, use that. If not, bring a backpack and put your purse in your locker. I would not recommend carrying two bags. Your hands will be full. So, my suggestion is to carry a backpack and put everything from your purse in your backpack. Also, wear normal clothes to school, then change into gym clothes DURING gym. And yes, when you change back into your regular clothes bring some extra deoderant and body spray/perfume. If you actually think you will sweat a lot in gym, bring an extra bra or something. I would leave an extra shirt in your locker-just in case. You'll be fine.

    Best of luck, my friend!

  7. have one BIG PURSE!!!

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