
Im going back home to ny tomorrow from florida how many cartons of cigeratees can i take on the plane back?

by  |  earlier

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everyone has asked me to bring them back some i dont know if theres a limit




  1. You mean to avoid the cigarette tax ($.33 in Florida, $2.75 in New York)?

    I don't find any legal limitations, but you'd have to convince the authorities (if they ask) that they're either for personal use or for gifts.  Whatever you do, don't say people are paying you for them; it's illegal to resell smokes in NY.  

  2. Are you buying them in Florida to take to NY? (Buying inside the US??) Then there is no limit as you are paying all the US excise/duties taxes etc when you buy them.  If you are buying them outside the US or duty free then there is a limit.

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