
Im going crazy, should I see a psychic? something is either lost or stolen, Read details!!!?

by  |  earlier

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On sat dec 31st, me and my boyfriend went out to a bar and my drink was spiked. I dont remember hardly anything. Me and my boyfriend got in a huge fight that night and the he left my house. I had a safe containing lots of money and valuables and a jewelry box under my bed. When I woke up the next morning the safe and jewelry box were gone.

Its driving me crazy because I cant remember.

I need help remembering, I need to know where my stuff is.

I think either my boyfriend took it, my mom took it (she doesnt like my bf, and she keeps telling me he took it) or i moved it and dont remember. How can I find out? Should I see a psychic?

Please no rude answers, I really need help




  1. You didn't mention when the last time you saw the items in question before they turned up missing. My feeling is you were robbed.

  2. Simple spell to find lost things:

    Hold your hands out in front of you, palms up and say:

    “It’s in my hand”

    Visualize the safe in your hands

    The turn your palms down and see your hands empty and say:

    “It’s not in my hands”

    Repeat this over and over and allow your feeling to guide you.

    While you do this get faster and faster.

    If you are lead to the front door some one took the safe.  If it’s in your home you will be lead to it.

    You can repeat the spell at your boyfriend’s and mother’s house.  If you get a chance to be alone in their homes, or you don’t have to say the words out loud and visualize doing this with your hand.  As long as you believe it will work, IT WILL WORK.

    Hope this helps!

  3. that is so sad, keep asking till the one who took it confesses, and yes you should see a psychic.

  4. More than likely,it was the boyfriend.

    He was with you for the night.

    I seriously doubt that it was your mother.

    Your mother loves you too much to be that petty.

    Also,he could have 'arranged' for your drink to be


    People have killed their spouses for bigger reasons,like


    Read any of Ann Rules books.(former forenics investigator).

    Sounds like he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    It could have worse,you could have been killed.

    If you're still with him,pay close attention to his behavior and reactions.

  5. You have a girlfriend that hangs out with another girl. One is blonde curly like hair, and the other is heavier with brown stringy hair, They are the ones that took it . They took it a few days after this incident happened, not the night you mentioned. These two can not be trusted and I feel you know this, but for some reason you hang out with them anyway, neither one of them is nice, nor are they interesting, if you ask me they are pigs. But that is my opinion. That is who took your money and valuables. You may find some stuff in local pawn shops or you can ask for the word on the street. Hope this helps.

  6. Your boyfriend is a crack head and took the the stuff to buy more is one scenario. Your mother hid the stuff to protect you from getting ripped off. Your old enough to drink and still live with your mother, but don't respect her opinion of your boyfriend. scenario two She may be a crack head and took it for herself.  Scenario three..... If you need to find out if its the boyfriend set him up show him a wad of money and don't tell anyone else if it comes up missing your out one boyfriend.  See a hypnotist to help you remember, and stop trying drugs

  7. Personally I think suspecting those close to you can be more damaging than the valuables stolen. Look on line for a polygraph hot line and ask both your mother and bf, to put some ease into your loss. I have nothing against psychic's but chances of one being true are slimmer than that of a "polygraph hotline"

  8. Having been in a similar situation.(Being robbed and knowing who did it).I can tell you the police are ineffective.It's your word against your BF's.Without a confession there's nothing they can do.The only thing less effective would be going to a psychic.There's no sense getting robbed twice.Thankfully a psychics testimony,like polygraph tests, is inadmissible in court.

  9. I'm very sorry to hear that. if it were me i would investigate. but you said it was a safe of money so who else apart from you and him know where it is?

  10. Occums razor: usually the most obvious answer is the correct one. Your boyfriend most likely is the guilty suspect. Too many coincedences. If your mom doesn't like him it's probably for a good reason. I know sometimes it's hard to believe those we care about would do us wrong but it happens all the time. Trust your gut instincts, which I suspect are telling you it was your man. Don't think a psychic is the way to go being there are so many fakes out there. Hope it all works out.

  11. Silliness 1: having your valuables under your bed.  Did you think, perhaps, jeez, no-one will think to look *there*?

    Silliness 2: asking for a psychic to help you.  

    I am in personal contact with the Easter bunny, if you like, I can ask him.


  12. I wouldn't waste your time seeing a psychic, the best they are going to do is have a guess.

    If you had valuable things taken from your safe why didn't you contact the police?

    Anyway, seeing as the stuff has been gone for two months you have very little hope of having it returned to you now.

    And if you really think that your boyfriend and mother are the sort of people that would steal your possessions it is time to find new ones.

  13. How awful for you!. Yes I would seriously consider a psychic myself.

  14. If nothing else was taken and you can't get any information out of you mom or boyfriend, and you have searched your house top to bottom to try and find it, then yeah I would say go for it. But, you really need to research the person because sometimes these people do this just to get your money so make sure it is not a hot line or website psychic find someone really reliable. Good Luck!

    PS. I bet your b/f has it

  15. Did your bf spike your drink? I don't know why you've waited 2 months to have this investigated. Are you still going with him? You should have had the police search him house or apt. Surely, if your mother took it..she would have told you. Have you searched her room? She should allow you to do that if she didn't take it. Pray to St. Anthony to help you find it.

    Edit...OK...Are you sure the items were there right before you bf spent the night? Did you see him  leave? Did he take anything with him?..a bag etc.? Have you searched your whole house? Why can't you search your bf's house? Have the police talked with him? Did you tell the police you suspect him.? If you didn't check to see if they were there when your bf came over..then someone could have stolen them at another time.

  16. I don't see why a psychic would be required for this situation. Is he still your boyfriend? Asking him to take a polygraph test down at the police station should give you your answer even without him actually taking the test.

    Maybe your mom doesn't like your boyfriend because he is the type of person that would steal from you or even just not watch out for you enough to let your drink get spiked (or maybe spike it himself).

    Somehow I bet your mom would be willing to take the polygraph and would even drive you and your boyfriend down to the station.

    Just some reality thoughts that I'm sure you don't want to hear.


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