
Im going fishing in a couple hours?

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ive been using bacon bread ham and sweetcorn at a local fishing spot for 3 days now and ive not had a fish not even a nibble.

im going to go to a fishing store to buy some live bait like maggots or something

should i do this or am i doing something wrong

do you have any tips to make the fish bite im usually patiet but 3 days seems a little too long

also will i need a landing net for and 8 and a half pound carp?

tight lines

happy fishin'

from billy




  1. First yea you will need a net to land the carp unless you go in the water and grab it once you get it by shore.  Second though carp dont usually bite live bait.  If its a stream or something i would use a small minnow because you would fine either carp, perch, sunfish, trout, or maybe smallmouth bass even. good luck and try casting them by structure like a fallen down tree or tree roots or something.  just not out in the middle

  2. hey,is there fish in that area?This is the most crucial part,if there ain't fish then chances r u get nothing.when u put something in the water,if there is fish they will come to investigate by some experimental bites mean no fish or the fish is too small that u feel nothing as a novice.what size of hook r u using?some hooks r too big for some places,ask the local bait shop or local long is ur trace?how do u cast?over,side etc?How u cast out has a big difference to ur presentation of ur bait in the water.Also is there current,against or with the current.when using baits,the top choices r hemp,worms n nymph.those bread,corn,pellets wax worms ground bait into small ball c**p r for recreational angler.bait list is endless so there is many people fishing so everyone will try to get involved by suggesting this n that but its just on the lips.Even experts sometimes get nothing at their more,get a tactic/preparation/plan so u know what u r doing or going to do by yourself.This will make u more confident in your action/choices n no answer from us will ever really make u into an expert,rely on your own efforts.Tight lines.

  3. Firstly ask in  your local tackle shop when you buy the bait, they are local and should know the lake better than anyone on here, they can tell you what baits to use and at what depth, a landing net is a good idea, make sure it has fine mesh to prevent damage to the fish.

  4. depends salt water or fresh water fresh go with worms salt water bunker or squid

  5. well try some worms.

    also having a landing net around can help out so yes.

  6. For live bait I would go with minnows for fresh water.For artificial bait there is always the trusty rubber worm(motor oil or purple are good colors)Another good practice is to look at what is swimming around in your fishin' hole to determine what type of bait to use because that is what the fish are feeding on.Good Fishin to ya!

  7. What time of the day are you going? Right before sunup is going to be the best time if you are targeting carp as well (I've found between 4am and 8am is the best fishing time for many fish). Either that or late evening.

    Try fishing near cover like fallen trees and weeds. Fish love these areas. If there is none in the area you are fishing. Fish the bait close to the bank, preferably where a tree is overhanging the water creating shade. Don't get right up on the water, if you do this, they can see you. Be sure to NEVER cast a shadow on the water. The really spooks them.

    What depth are you fishing at? Most fish prefer the bottom of small ponds and streams, especially carp. You should at least be 3-6ft down for things like bream. Most of the things you mentioned should work if fished in the right spot, but a good live bait would definitely be maggots for bream. Small worms would work for both bream and some of the others you have mentioned before. Small minnows would work for all. Carp prefer things that catfish like though, basically stink baits, so a good dip bait or chicken livers would do good for them.

    Yes, you will definitely need a landing net for fish that size. Any fish that you might release should never be dragged up on the shore (because this will damage their skin and protective membrane), you should always land them with a net while still in the water.

    I hope this has helped you some. Good luck.

  8. Am definitely NOT a Carp fisherman but these links are for them ~  got some pretty easy homemade recipes as well as some technique tips for catchin' em' that may just help ya' out with the "not even a' nibble" syndrome your goin' through. Good luck ;)... < ' ( (( > <



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