
Im going for an emo look but the makeup i really dont know much about it

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see I'm going for an emo style but the makeup is way to much i just want like eyeliner but that looks emoish well i don't know anyone help me out on the makeup




  1. lmao..emoish  huh?

    just dont overdo it. go with the basics or you'll end up looking like garbage can

  2. emo people don't need a buttload of eyeliner or makeup...

    just line your bottom lid thoroughly and  a little black or grey eyeshadow on top lid

  3. I can give you an excellent emo makeup: some bruises and cuts. Just drop by my neighborhood sometime and we can fix you up. Free of charge.

  4. hey there yh i use to be emo on the makeup i used red and black eyeliner  and i made designs around my under eye like lightning or a smudged look effect ,but dont use too muck black or you'll end up lookin goth use colours like red ,purple,dark/light blue  oh and die your hair blak with red and purple streaks in it , dont wear too many chains 1 or 2 will do and wear tight clothes like skinny jeans and stuff, wrist bands like red or blue, and 2 belts, and dapped like shoes,but i can go on forever but heres  a rough idea mate

  5. Emos look fecking g*y. Don't do it.

  6. eyeliner is enough i think, try foundation and a light eyeshadow

  7. Id say the look, it's totally easy enough to achieve...

    Get a decent black eyeliner, one that has a softer texture, rather than the pencil type, I don't know if these particular types have a name? But they are wound up, instead of sharpened. You could also use liquid eyeliner, but it takes quite a steady hand, and a bit of practice. So I would just stick to the crayon type one for now.. Use it to line where your lashes lie on both bottom and top eyelids, and also do the corners. Heavy eyeliner on the inside corners of your eyes usually looks quite effective, as it draws your eyes in making them seem smaller, and also gives quite a s**y look at the same time. Using your finger, smudge the line a bit on the bottom of your eyelid, so that the line does not appear too harsh or bold. If you like, use a little dark brown or black eyeshadow over the lines that you have drawn to also help with making the lines a little softer- less harsh. If you cant be bothered, then don't worry. Apply some mascara, a little on the bottom and inside top. and a lot on the outer most lashes on the top eyelid, as this will open the eyes a bit and give a more dramatic look.

    Ok well thats about it!

    Might not be what you were looking for? But give it a go :) hope it helps

  8. i agree with "joe bloggs?"

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