
Im going in as Undes. Seaman can a strike for MA?

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I didnt qualify for Master at arms on the test,the job counceler thought it would be best to do Undes. seaman because nothing I had qualified for interested me,Will I be able to strike for MA in the future?How do I do it and if so, how long?1 or 2 years?




  1. The real answer is your line scores on your ASVAB were probably a little short to qualify for MA. What good would it do us (the US Navy) if the day you started out in the Navy you were disappointed. What I am saying is that no one lied to you. Specific job qualifications are made up from a combination of different areas of your ASVAB score. For example to qualify for MA (this is just an example, I don't know what the actual requirement is) lets say you need a 60 in mathematics, 40 in reading and 70 in mechanical aptitude. Could be that you were a couple points short in any one of those areas.

    Yes you can strike for MA ones you are at your first command. You may even get it at boot camp. They attempt to qualify all undes recruits at basic. If not you can work towards it at your first command.

    One thing I like about the apprentice (Seaman, Airman, Fireman) program is that you will get to see first hand what ALL the navy jobs entail before you actually pick one. Your work center will allow you to go work the MA's when the work load is low or after working hours. It's called OJT or "On The Job Training" which is required to strike.

    I will tell you that as an undesignated seaman you can end up working anywhere on the ship. Sometimes that can be a little challenging and you may feel like your not where you want to be. Just remember that the point is that you are doing what you are doing during the time you are determining which navy job you want to pick. If you get sent to work in the galley (chow hall) for a while just remember we all did it too :-) Even at a big corporation you start in the mail room. Nobody starts at the top. Just keep a good atitude and work hard and trust me you will get recognized and someone is going to want you in there shop rather than in the galley.

    Good luck to you shipmate. Hang around guys that are successfull and have positive attitudes and stay away from the guys that complain all the time.


  2. NO.  MA is not a rating you can strike for.  You must request and be granted permission once you are out in the fleet to retake your ASVAB.  In order to have permission granted to retake your ASVAB you will be required to go to a 6 week school called Basic Skills.  Meaning basic math and english classes so you will have some hope of retaking your ASVAB and getting a score high enough to help you any.  Your best bet is to go right now and buy an Arco ASVAB study guide and study your butt off before you go to boot camp and retake the ASVAB before you go and switch to ANY job you can before just jumping onboard as a Seaman.  By going in as a Seaman with no desire to become a Boatswains Mate, you are looking at 2 years of wasted time in Seaman limbo.  Basically if your ASVAB score sucked you can't just go strike any job you want to like they make it seem.  You still have to be qualified to have that job in all areas including your ASVAB score.  You are going to be at the bottom of the bottom of the food chain for a long time.  I would either retake your ASVAB or ask your recruiter to take you back to MEPS so you can sign for one of those jobs that you didn't think were that hot.  Believe me as a Seaman you will be manual labor dude.  Cleaning heads, stripping and waxing decks, painting, loading supplies, and ANYTHING - ANYONE tells you to do.  You probably had the choice of Culinary Specialist or maybe Machinst Mate.  Both of those jobs or any others will give you a much better and letter crapped on quality of life.  Did I mention as a Seaman you will be doing a lot of time working on the mess decks and this includes washing tens of thousands of dishes a day in a 1000 degree scullary?  It does and you will.  Don't hold out for a dream job here seriously, just get A JOB.  Not Seaman.  Not Airman, Not Fireman.  After two years in the Navy you can put in a request to convert to another rate as long as by then you have studied up for a new ASVAB and have scored high enough for a new job.  Two years will fly by but two years of a total c**p existance being everyones bee-ach is not what I think you want to join the Navy for.  The Navy is way more about the people you meet and work with and not the job at all.  Don't hold out for MA or any other job you can't get into right now but go get one of the jobs you were offered and who knows the day you go back to MEPS you may have a couple more choices that appeal to you now that you have a lot more information about the process.  Oh yeah. most new recruits can't wait until they are a Petty Officer.  YOu cannot become a Petty Officer as a Seaman, you will first need a real rating like MA or whatever to take the test for Petty Officer.  Seaman will delay your advancement years and again you will be hating life.  Good luck and call your recruiter tomorrow so you can get your situation fixed ASAP.

  3. YES, but the lying  Job detailers or your command will say something to the effect "Since you are so good as a seaman, why don't you strike BM?"  That is typical Navy way of doing business.  

  4. Once you get to your duty station as an undes seaman you will wish you would have chosen something on the list. Get with the MA1 when you get there and see if you can help out. I am not sure of the time frame to strike for a rate. Keep a positive attitude and do your best. You might find that there is a different job you might be interested in. As a junior enlisted MA you will probably be standing at a gate all night whch doesnt sound like fun to me.

    Good luck.

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