
Im going into highschool and im so scared and nervous!!! should i be?

by  |  earlier

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ive heard a lot of bad things that happen in highschool and im so scared =[[ help?




  1. Nope, you don't have to be scared.  Everyones a little nervous though so you won't be the only one.  And most of the time, bad things happend to the people who put themselves in bad situations. Occasionally you'll have people who act stupid with you for no reason, but usually its no big deal. Get to know people so you know who they are and what their about, so you don't pick the wrong people to be friends with.  Don't get caught in the whole "who's popular" thing, highschool is 4 years and when you graduate, people don't care what social group you belonged to.  

    All I can say is, keep your grades up, make friends who have similar interests to you and that you like being around instead of worrying about groups and cliques and stuff, and have fun!!  Most importantly be yourself (a lot of people can have trouble with that especially when you feel pressured by others to be a certain way)  If theres someone who randomly doesn't like you..then that sucks for them, and move on, you won't need them anyway.

    Good luck gurl!  If you need any help you can e-mail me

  2. Its not that bad its just like middle school, just bigger people in there. Good Luck, its fun.

  3. No way..

    My school's K-12 and once you hit 7th grade your in the high school building..It's kinda the same as being a Freshman..But just younger..I don't know how your school is..But mine MOSTLY everybody's friends..But high school is high school things are gonna happen but from experience don't get into all the drama..It's the worst thing possible..

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