
Im going into my first year of highschool next year. does anyone have any tips?

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please tell me some important things to know.




  1. i do its nothing you cant handle im a senior this year and i went though waht you are going through but the only thing to worry about is homework and getting to class on time

  2. Just remember that it's only high school and you've got your whole life ahead of you. So think twice before you make fun of some little nerd, he may be end up being your boss or loan officer someday.

  3. me to i'm going to high school when school starts.i only have one advice the first day you have to bring a big binder and dividers and pens and pencils.and also don't dress like a gangbanger because they are going to think that you are one for four years.i hope i helped.

  4. Don't look nervous, and don't really be nervous.  What younger teens don't usually understand, especially freshman and sophomores, is that the world really isn't out to get you.  It isn't going to matter in 4 years who you dated, or what kind of cool slang you used, or who you made fun of just to get a few laughs-honesltly.  When I hit mid-junior year in high school, I finally realized that all the stupid little antics that my younger friends had were stupid.  Its not cool to make fun of someone, especially your friends, no matter what anyone tells you.  Drugs and alcohol won't help either.  

    The best advice I have for you is be yourself!  Don't try and please everyone by having "multiple personalities".  Honestly, the people I became friends with in high school who had the most friends and were respected the most were for being true to themselves.  And join a club or something-if you love music, get into that department; if you love to write, join the newspaper or paraphenalia.  Don't get discouraged that you may not make it-it could turn your life around.  I didn't decide to join Chorus until my senior year, and I made the honors choir, I'm minoring in vocal and I wished I had started sooner.

    K, be yourself, don't be nervous, don't listen to peer pressure, it isn't worth the stress, and join something!  Oh, and pay attention in class-teachers like that,lol;-)

    Good luck!:-)Hope I helped a little.

  5. Since you have to ask here about what's important, means that you will probably be in high school for a very long time don't worry you'll get a hold of it after you spend your first 10 years there you'll get use to it don't worry!

  6. Well, I am going to a freshman next year as well (I know, I'm scared too!) and I have heard people tell me some things. First off, you have to realize that academics come first in highschool. In the movies it may seem like highschool is all fun and games but in reality, if you plan on going to college, then EVERY grade counts. Also, getting involved in extracurriculars is important as well. Try to stay in the best classes that you can and don't forget, make those friendships that will last a lifetime.

    :) Hope this helps!

  7. I came from a private school. The size was the biggest suprise. Highschoolers arnt mean, but there not particularly nice either. Some people are suprisingly either. If you have friends then your better off than i was. If not, i cannot stress how important it is to make them. Be yourself, be nice, and dont be afraid of rejectoin or embaresment. Those dont usually happen anyway.

  8. Be yourself

    Join some after school stuff (IE: Drama, GSA, T-Cell, sports and etc.)

    Freshman year was amazing

    Don't sweat it

  9. The main thing I can say to you is don't be nervous. My first year in high school was not as bad as I thought it would be in fact I really had a really good time. My first day of school while I was driving there I was extremely nervous and my heart was beating hard, but once I got out and saw some of my friends from the Middle School I became calm. Don't try to act like one of the coolest person at the school because I promise you people will talk about you. Be the way you were at Middle School and you should have fun. People will talk about you regardless of how popular you are, but you will get over it like I did. After a couple of days you will get used to it and I promise you. It is not as bad as you think. You will make friends you wouldn't ever think you could be friends with because I did. I am currently about to start my Senior year and I have tons of friends now. So the only advice I can give you is be yourself and if you think that being yourself won't work try to be funny like I did. Don't be so nervous because that can be your down fall.



  10. -Don't act cool you will most likely end up being called out and or embarrased

    -Just don't bug the upperclassmen

    -Ask for help if yu cant find your way

    -enjoy freshman yr. cuz junior and senior yu'll have to mature

  11. just relax. it's really not as overwhelming as it may appear to be. Know what you want and get your priorities straight because it will be over before you know it.. and you don't want to s***w up on the college part either. The 4 years of high school is filled with temptations and also the process of self-realization. Just do what you gotta do to get to where you want to be and enjoy. It's the best time of your life.. before college.

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