
Im going into the U.S Army,any advice for boot camp?

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any diet i need to start or certain amount of push ups,sit ups ect.?




  1. Try not to kill anyone that doesn't have a gun.  

  2. learn to shave with a soft rock.

    just kidding.

  3. Start working hard on your APFT scores now. You'll benefit in the long run.

  4. I was in the army and went through boot camp.  Take it from me you don't have to do anything to get ready.  They will feed you taking care of your diet and the physical training exercises will give you all the exercise you need to get into shape.  The recruits go into boot camp in all shapes and sizes and come out "lean mean fighting machines".  It is an experience you will never forget.  Good luck.  

  5. My best advice would to listen to EVERYTHING your trainer says.

    and never refuse to an order.

  6. i got out in 05

    just do your best to blend in.  if you get to choose where you sleep got the bed furthest from the office.  if you go to dental your going to have one h*ll of a wait but there are no drill officers so you can sleep.  don't ever volunteer i promise it won't be worth it until your with your unit.  Remember anyone can make it through if they want.  

    if you know you can only do 80 push ups start acting pretty shaky at 65.  never say you won't do something say I can't or I'm trying or I won't give up.

    Good Luck!

    you made a great decision the next few years of your life will be the best of times and worst.  Same some money too!

    Iraq isn't that bad

  7. Practice how to clean your toilet with your toothbrush. *joke*

    Just work on general fitness. Do as many push-ups as you can, do as many strict sit-ups as you can. Jog regularly.

    Have fun while you can, boot-camp is 5am starts (or earlier) and best behaviour.

  8. Be All You Can Be!!!

    Good Luck!!

  9. workout like crazy

  10. pray to God to keep you safe!

    and thanks

  11. Go to their site they usually have advice on what boot camps like. Good luck.  

  12. Start running, push ups, sit ups.  The PT test will time on a 2 mile run, you'll have 2 minutes to do up to 82+ push up, about the same amount of sit-ups.  Pick am MOS that will translate into a real world career- SAT COM, Signal Corps., etc.  See if you can go the the language school in Monterray, CA. and learn Chinese or Arabic.  Save you enlistment bonus for when you get out- don't buy a sports car, or a house that you can't live in 'cause Uncle Sam sent you to some Sh#t hole to do the unnecessary, for the ungrateful, lead by the unqualified.  Don't stand out by being the best, or stand out by being the worst.  Never forget that your Drill Seargent's job is to teach you not to get killed, not to torture you or others.  Think for yourself, but follow legal orders.  Obey the chain of command.  Come home in one piece and most importantly- THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE.  

  13. First of all ( unless thing have changed), in the Army it is Basic not Boot. Boot is Navy and Marines. In 1966 when I was in you would do 50 push-ups for calling it that.

    Second; don't call your riffle a gun.

  14. Get in shape now. And by "now," I mean yesterday.

    Get ready to be running for at least 40 minutes/day.

    Get your upper-body strength to its peak: You will be spending a lot of time on your face. ;) Be able to hold yourself in a pushup position for at least 3 minutes before you get there.

    Get ready to eat only 3 square meals per day.  There's no snacking in Basic Training.

    Start going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 4:30am; this way it won't be a shock to your system.  Practice exercising at about 5am, too.

    Study ranks and insignia BEFORE you get there; it'll put you a step ahead of the game.

  15. Start working on your physical condition NOW. Calisthenics. Hiking. Getting yourself in good shape before the drill sergeats start working on you. Be as tough as you can as early as you can.

  16. good luck and God Bless you for fighting for our country which i am now too old to do but i worked for the govt 20 years .

  17. Be in the best physical shape you can be. You will be pushed to your limits and beyond.

    But the best advise I could give you is to keep your mental attitude healthy. Watch the whole process from outside your body. Remember that the purpose is to make you respond to commands automatically, without thinking. Follow the rules and do what you are supposed to do to keep the instructors happy but always keep your perspective.

    Wars are not won when the Sarge says 'charge' and the GI's don't feel like it. Make them think you feel like it even though you may not.

  18. as long as your just going into the army they wont expect you to be all that is man until they are done with you. just work hard and try to show leadership skills whenever you can.  

  19. Yup get your Pushup game ready... you should start by doing at lest 15 pushups a day, try to do 4 sets of 15, and by the time you get in there it will be ez for you,  The reason why I know this is because me and my co-workers  work at night and we do 6 sets of 20, but it took us a while to be able to get to that level...

  20. Yeah.......You should have join the Air Force...........Show that you want to learn, be in shape, be all you can be.......

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