
Im going on a 2day trip into the desert?

by Guest61171  |  earlier

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going to tunisia on sunday, and doin a 2day trip into desert

what should i bring/wear?

any tips or advice?

what about scorpions and snakes etc?




  1. Be sure to bring jeans, long sleeved shirts, shorts, short sleeved shirts, tennis shoes, sandals, sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, maybe a little hand fan (they sell these in the medinas and souks for 1TND) and of course your camera!

    You should bring at least one pack (6 bottles) of water, any medications you might need should you get sick or that you take regularly, some snack food, a map, a flashlight, and some extra money in case of an emergency. Your tour company should provide most things for you, but you might want to have those with you as added protection.

    Scorpions and snakes do exist in the desert, so you should be careful. Stay away from rocks, holes, crevices, etc and you should be fine. The tour company will try to keep you in the safest spots.

    Have fun, enjoy your trip, and if I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

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