
Im going on a airplane for summer vacation and im totally scared.should i be?

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Im going on a airplane for summer vacation and im totally scared.should i be?





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  2. Most definitely not. It is the safest mode of travel and you should positively enjoy it. Good luck and God bless you.

  3. i get scared to but know yo will be fine

  4. I've never been on a plane and I used to have fears. But really, I'm thinking more about the good time I'm going to have rather than flying. I want to get on the plane asap hehe.

  5. Flying is boring.  Other than the take off and landing, there's not much to see or do.  

    Very few planes have a much better chance of getting into a car accident than you do a plane one.

    The feeling of take off is a lot like what a rollercoaster feels like when it takes off.

    Your ears will get blocked during the descent...yawn or chew gum to make them pop.

    Bring stuff to keep you occupied like a book, iPod, laptop.  Oh, and get snacks after security to eat on the plane--very few will give you real food other than a single bag of mini pretzels.

  6. It is still interesting to fly. People watch, make new friends. Gum for the ear popping, book or IPOD to enjoy. I bring a small pillow and blanket because

    I will not use something that someone else drooled on. I always take a late flight so I can sleep.

  7. Your fear has to do with lack of control. You cant see what goes on so our brains respond by having a tendency to be afraid because you have taken a major sense away. As for being scared just have few drinks and talk to the people around you. Just by talking to them will take the pressure off you and it will be off of your mind. Good luck

  8. Nope. Flying is fun! There shouldn't be any reason to be afraid, but a lot of people are afraid of flying so don't feel bad. You'll be okay. Just bring some gum to chew and an iPod or a DVD player or book to keep your mind off flying. The flight attendants should make you feel pretty at home though. You'll be okay. Have fun!

  9. no way !!!

    compare car wreck,s to plane crashes .

        I would say flying the safest way to go .

    and the time you save you can enjoy your trip even more for fun and not behind the wheel _Enjoy :)

  10. no just make sure you take gum because the airplane makes your ears pop and have something to read,do and I'm pretty sure you can take food on

  11. No, don't be.  There's plenty of well-trained people on board.  Also, did you know that there is more chance of you being in a car crash than an airplane crash?  The reason there's more of them on the news is because it's very rare.  Even if the engines break, a plane is made to "fly".  So, they will glide in the air for a great amount of time.  There are many flotation items on board.  The crashes announced on the news are worst then they seem.  There are usually no casualties.  Enjoy your flying experience because you don't need to worry!  I guarantee nothing will happen!  The chance is one in a million/billion even!  Enjoy and hope I helped.

  12. No. Read the HUNDREDS of times this question has already been asked for reasons.

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