
Im going on a mission trip to the Honduras. Does anyone have any good ideas so I can raise some money?

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Im going on a mission trip to the Honduras. Does anyone have any good ideas so I can raise some money?




  1. When I went on a mission trip to Jamaica, I sent out letters asking for money, and that paid for a lot of it.

    Also, you could not buy something that you usually spend money on ( like a starbucks drink or any unnecessary items ) and put that money towards your mission trip.

  2. Hello,

    I've recently tried a company called

    they sell internet discount cards very unique item.

    It worked out well for our group.

    You should check them out.

  3. Send letters to family members and your church also local businesses. Explan where your going, how much  you need ect. You could also do a car wash, bakesale, sell candy outside of walmart, yeard work, babysit or clean a house or two.

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