
Im going on hoildayto alicante?

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can any body tel me what alicante is like will be hot whats the food like is there places to see is it cheap please let me known




  1. Maxine, sorry to say but Alicante is a h**l hole..... cancel now

  2. Whereabouts are you going exactly, Alicante itself is not known as a holiday destination, message me and tell me then I may be able to be more specific for you, I live in the Alicante province

  3. Hope you are not going in summer, say June to October, it's very, very hot, to people who are not used to the heat that is. Food is quite good, prices are a little cheaper than Barcelona & Madrid.

  4. It's a dump.

  5. Went to visit m-i-l last year and couldn't get over the amount of graffiti. It was everywhere.

  6. well said pieface

  7. It can be a great place, if you research it first.

    Go to the National Tourism site for Spain to work out what interests you:

    Spain Tourism:

    Then check out the accommodation. With these people you get 5 star hotels for almost the price of 2 stars that some package holiday companies offer. any quality is key to Alicante:

    You can sort the hotels by location, price and star rating


    Spanish site:

    Hope this helps

  8. If you're going to Alicabte city, don't know why on earth you chose there. If however, you are flying into Alicante then that's different. Depends what time of year you are going, today it's miserable and rainy with plenty of winds. In summer anywhere on the Costas is unbearable if you're not used to it, it's just too hot, in August can be over 120!! Cheap, well that depends on your standards too, Alicante is fairly cheap to eat, but if you're here in the season then steer clear of beachsside cafes and restaurants you will pay for the situation.

  9. there are different parts to Alicante, it's not all bad. Just stay away from the tourist parts. Head where the spanish head.

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