
Im going on holiday and am on my period. I still want to go swimming wat should I do?

by  |  earlier

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be serious!




  1. I still cringe over my first tampon experience ask your mom, aunt, sis, friend, or school nurse  for advice.         (I've never tried one)

  2. only 1 thing 2 do : go 2 sports athourity and get a swim suit that has leak protection, then have fun

  3. Okay listen, you have to wear a tampon and this will get personal but maybe it will help. If you don't wear tampons because they hurt or you can't seem to be able to get it in, go to the store and get some ky lubricant and put A LITTLE in the end of the tampon and yourself relax and figure it out from there. It does take some pressure so yeah, then if you get it in and it hurts while its in there then you either didn't push it in all the way and it's still on your muscles or you put it in at a bad angle. I know you didn't ask all this but you know, maybe someone that reads it will get some help outta it. Good luck hun.

  4. yea, wearing a tampon allows you to do anything you would want to do on your period.

  5. wear a tampon, or if you don't feel comfertable doing that, go in the pool (your period stops in water) and the second you get out, go to the bathroom, and put a bad in. Your period will still be stopped if you go quick enough since your body is not yet adjusted to not being in water.

    hope this helped!

  6. dont wear a tampon.!!

    those thing fhkn hurt.!


    to tell you the truth...wen yur on yur stops when yur in the water


    pretty cool huh?

    dont worry

    but if yu rlly dont follow this..[haha] wear a tampon

    hope this helps


    hav fun


  7. Learn to love the tampon. It is your friend and will allow swimming etc. Most packs come with an instruction booklet if you need it.

  8. dont wear white or light colors.  you can wear a tampon for protection     cjhs

  9. I am being a serious as its gonna get........wear a tampon hun!!!

  10. wear a tampon....seriously

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