
Im going on my first date!...i need help cause idk if this guy is trying to get sum tho?

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OKay so im going on my first date on saturday

im 14 hes 16

im going with my bestfriend & her b/f to


the way we met

was on myspace

he lives close to me

& sum of my friends kno him

so hes not a rapist or nuthin


weve never talked on the phone kind of worried

cause hes always saying i want to see you so bad.

& one day i was in the pool and we where texting

&hes like mm ur in a bathing suit =)

im trying to figure out if he really likes me

or if hes just tryin to get sum

cause hes asked me if i wanted to loose my virginity

and i said no im not ready & stuff

and hes like ok im just checkin so i kno not to cross the line

any opinions?

oh & what if he trys to kiss me?

ive never kissed anyone






  1. It sounds like he wants some. Only a boy that wants your virginity would ask you if you wanted to lose it!

  2. kissing go ahead but s*x dont your are to young

  3. uuummm...this is the pregnancy and parenting site!

  4. he's on myspace, and he asked if you wanted to lose your virginity.....does that make sense? Have you even heard the sound of his voice?! Honestly, you are on the pregnancy and parenting category so honestly, what does that tell you? Trust me, you're going to make a mistake and are somehow going to pay for it. Good luck...

  5. at the age of 16 all i could think about was the hibity jibity, so in this case just make sure he knows the boundaries, and if he croses them give him a good kick where it counts, take care!

  6. Home > Pregnancy & Parenting > General - Pregnancy & Parenting??

    Wrong category!

    but anyways.. take it as it goes. relax. just make sure u dnt dress S****y or else he;s gonna think that u wanna give him sum ;)

    but dress nice and pretty. stay calm. relax and listen to what he has to say about u. if it seems like he is complimenting u too much or suckin up to u too much.. then dnt bother... he;s just trying to get sum.

    but if he talks and listens to u/ compliments u nicely and respectively, then he most likely likes you.

    but the key here is to stay calm and relaxed. try to keep in mind that 'its not a date' its just a hang out kinda thing.

    and as far as kissing is concerned... if u like him, the date goes well, then the kiss is ok =]

    u;ll know if he wants to kiss u, by the way he looks at u.. and if he leans towards u to kiss u... lean towards him.... kiss him.

    start out like a nice short peck. then if u like it, and if he likes it too, then kiss him some more =]

    trust me, u'll love it.

    phew.. i wrote a little too much here. more then i thought i would lol

    but good luck dear


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