
Im going surfing for the first time in a couple weeks can anyone give me any tips or suggestions?

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Im going surfing for the first time in a couple weeks can anyone give me any tips or suggestions?




  1. You probably won't get it right the first time you try. Be ready to fall into the water a lot. Brush up on swimming skills.

  2. try not to drown

  3. be prapared to fall off and drink alot of water.... and just remember to have fun

  4. Austin - don't forget to wax the bottom of your board.  Otherwise, everyone will know you're a "hodad".

  5. if you are going to ride then i recommend a soft top board. there pretty much indestructable and it is what i learned to surf on. 1. make sure you're body is not to far away from the tail cause right when u get a wave you will end up nose diving. try practicing on popping up on the sand first.

  6. Don't blow your wad on a tight board untill you know and understand what you're doing. I'd suggest buying one second hand. Try Craigslist.

  7. Bring a wetsuit.

    Bring booties too if the water is in the 50's.

    Start with a longboard - it's WAY easier to learn on.

    Make sure you have a leash.

    Learn to stand in the whitewash.

    Once you learn to get to your feet, THEN learn to catch a wave and stand.

    Go to a beginner beach to minimize problems with others out in the lineup.

    Have fun.

  8. Don't drown.

  9. Yeah; don't.

    Hope you can swim well if you do.

  10. Get lessons from an expert. There alwaays are lessons.

    Another tip is stay on your board.

    Best tips I can give you

  11. Be careful and stay out of the way of more experienced surfers. Collisions can be dangerous, especially if you haven't learned how to control your board yet. Plus, they sometimes get pissed when a beginner gets in their way.

    If (and when) you fall, make sure a wave doesn't come and slam the board into your head or face.

    Don't attempt to surf in conditions that are beyond your skill level. There's nothing wrong with surfing the whitewater until you are comfortable enough to go further out.

    Look for riptides, observe the conditions and other surfers before you go out. If you get stuck in a riptide, remain calm and swim parallel to the shoreline until you are out of the current. Never surf by yourself if nobody else is around to save you.

  12. don't wear anything under your wetsuit or bathing suit so the saltwater don't bother your boyz or balls

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