
Im going to 7th grade and I was wondering ....

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These are some Questions I really need answers to!!!!

1.Is it hard to keep up with the schedule of switching classes?

2.What should i put in my locker?

3. What are some things that i will need during this school year

4.Im going to a new school and like only 5 of my friends are going {long story} and how can I make more friends?

Please Help me with thankies!!!




  1. 1.Is it hard to keep up with the schedule of switching classes?

    -Not at all.  It might be confusing the first or second day, but that's it.

    2.What should i put in my locker?

    -Books, lotion, any other toiletries

    3. What are some things that i will need during this school year

    -binder, pens, pencils, highlighters, folders/dividers for a binder, notebooks, loose leaf paper, silent reading book (maybe).

    4.Im going to a new school and like only 5 of my friends are going {long story} and how can I make more friends?

    -Try to meet new people in PE or your homeroom class.  There will be plenty of new people for you to befriend.

  2. 1. No. In elementary school, was it hard to switch from math to English to science? It's the same thing, just in different classrooms.

    2. Anything you need for school that you can get away with not carrying to a particular class. Your back will thank you. A shelf is a good idea, so is a mirror. Maybe a snack, if you're allowed to have one.

    3. Your school probably has a supply list, but if it doesn't, either go to your school's open house and ask your teachers, or ask students from last year. If you don't have an open house and don't have a supply list, bring paper and a pencil on the first day to write down what you'll need. Good basics include paper, pens, pencils, a calculator (for pre-algebra and above), folders, erasers, a good backpack, and colored pencils.

    4. Everyone else is just as scared as you. Just talk to everyone you can, and you're bound to find a bunch of new people to hang out with.

  3. 1. you'll get used to it

    2. the books for your classes

    3. a brain

    4. just be brave and talk to people

  4. 1) it might be a little hard to keep up with your homework,  but if you're a very organized person you shouldn't have a problem with that.

    2)try to get a shelf and maybe a mirror, pictures of all the things that you like for example: your top bands, movie stars, friends, etc.  And your books of course.  A locker is like your own private space in the school and you'll be spending a lot of time with it.

    4) don't worry about making friends, just talk to people in your classes and you'll have lots of new friends.  

    A good way to make frends is by music, if you like rock try to listen it as much as posible  and don't just lock yourself in the new stuff, try older things, Play guitar hero, boys like girls that can play guitar hero and rockband and even if you don't think that boys are that important they will in the future.

    And be yourself.

  5. 1. I remember my first day of actully having to switch classes. 3 years ago (grade 10) and well its not hard at all the first few days will be a little harder to get to class on time but my teachers and I am sure your teachers aswell will give you a little more time for the first week.

    2. You should hav tissues, mirror,something to hold things like a magnetic baskets check wal-mart they always have them and some other accessories o and dont forget to remake your schedual with fun colors and post it in your locker!

    3. You will need many things but your teacher will go into more detail

    -binder for every course 1'' is good




    -calculator (might aswell get a scientific one)

    -refill paper alot of this


    -coloring pencils

    -pencil case

    -white out

    and thats all

    4. Making friends is not that hard believe me I have so many and I still don't know how to make friends it just kind of happens. Don't be shy is key and join alot of groups and always talk to the shy kid they would rather be with you then alone believe me (not a bad thing)

    good luck!


  7. I think that the others covered everything pretty well.  The only thing I would add is that, I am not the most "organized" person in the world (I have ADD) and I found that it was hard for me to keep track of/ remember all of the homework.  I would suggest getting a small notebook that you take to EVERY class and the ONLY thing you write in that notebook is homework assignments.  I wouldn't use a different section for each class - just make one long list for each day and it'll make getting your homework done much easier!

  8. 1. During the first couple of days, yes, it will be hard to get used to switching classes, but after a while, it will get kind of boring since youre used to doing it everyday. It might be a little confusing because you might have a different schedule every day, but it depends on your school. Just always remember your school schedule, or you might go into the wrong classroom. Try to remember your whole schedule by the first month or so.

    2. You should make sure that all of your books fit first. Then, you can put in all the other unimportant stuff, like a mirror to check to see if you have something in your teeth from lunch before your crush sees you or making sure your hair looks nice, anything like that. Then, a dry erase board to write reminders on like what books to bring home for what day without forgetting anything. You should also put up some colorful wallpaper to make the background pretty. All your pencils and stuff like that should go at the top. Make sure there is room for your backpack too. You should put up some pictures of family and friends and a shelf.

    3. Go to your school website for a school supply list. Always carry around a purse with tissue, pads, lip gloss, a usb drive, deodorant, and your lunch money if you buy lunch. Keep all electronics such as ipods, cell phones, and stuff of that nature in your purse or your locker. I suggest your purse since it will be with you at all times and sometimes people can break into lockers and steal stuff.

    4. There is a very small chance that all of your friends are gonna be in every single one of your classes. So, you will have to interact with new people. Join clubs and sport teams to make more friends. You dont have to be popular, its just nice to have alot of friends. Make sure that you like your friends though.

    Hope I helped. Have a awesome school year

  9. be yourself.

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