
Im going to Italy in a month and im worried about Italian men?

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I heard a lot of things about them.Can you share me your experiences with them?




  1. You will get pinched.  Enjoy it.

  2. Hi ! I'm Italian and i'm writing from Italy.

    Don't be worried about Italian men. Italy has a low rape rate compared to the US.

    In the past ( in  the '50 and the '60), Italian women were used to have not much freedom so Italian men tried to behave as play boy with girls coming from US or from Northern Europe.

    Now Italian girls are very independent and have an emancipate sexual life so Italian males are not as horny as in the past and they are not so play boys like in the past.

    Personally I'm g*y and now, in Italy, g**s and lesbians too have more freedom than in the past, even if here we don't have yet g*y marriage like in Netherland or in Spain.

    So, Enjoy your time in Italy and don't be woried about Italian men. Bye

  3. Be alert, don't get drunk and stay in your hotel at night (enjoy Italian tv, read a magazine, write some post cards, and plan the next day's activities).  Same as if you were visiting any other country/city. Though I have visited Italy many years ago, I am a man and none of the Italian men bothered me.  None of the Italian women bothered me either. Sigh!  But some of the beggar kids were really persistent.  I heard that most of them are pushed into begging by parents/relatives. Watch your wallet/purse!

  4. All ive heard is they r d@amn s**y and spicy hott!!!! lol they might b a little crude

  5. hey..i'm italian..they are pretty polite in venice...if u go to the south of italy...they're a little bit rude sometimes..anyway no worries..and have a nice journey

  6. You are a lucky girl... you see, I was once on a train from Vienna to Venice sharing a cabin with four women from Vienna who were taking the youngest (a virgin) to Venice because it is something of a coming-of-age-thing with Austrian women to go to Italy to relinquish their virginity to an Italian man.  According to the women there is this romantic thing about Italian men, about them being sensitive, caring about a woman, and experienced.... SO it is the thing to do.  Happy hunting...or being hunted to make the fella a happy Italian.  Have protection.  That's all.

  7. you'll be a totally different woman. enjoy ur trip!

  8. Italian men are not overly pushy, no matter what you have heard. You might hear them calling out to you, or whistling behing your back, and they might try to approach you, but they CAN take no for answer. It would be the same anywhere I think, ever been to NYC? Also, if you dress provocatvely, expect to be noticed and approached, if you dress moderately, expect to be given more respect. Again, like almost everywhere else you go.

    And to Jerry, beggar kids? Where did you go and was this pre-war or something? I have never seen beggar kids in Italy, no more than there are beggar kids in the US. Check your info dude.

  9. You needn't worry,  I feel as if Italians are far outnumbered in Venice.  Too many tourists.

  10. so i am italian i have not experiences with them, i have heard a lot of bad things about them , but i think that in  every country

    there are this problem , Not afraid to come, and Enjoy the holidays

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