
Im going to a new school next in 8th grade..and im going to highschooL! there are like 1200 kids?

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i used to go to a christian school.

so how do i make sure that im not classified a dork the first day..

cause i dont really know many people! i might try out for cheerleading..

but if i dont make that,,,how do i become "popular>"




  1. Don't worry about being popular....

    Just make friends, and live life....

  2. you sound cool so gont worry about it just throw yourself out there and have fun. believe me sometimes being popular isnt all its cut out to be.

  3. Something you need to know:

    popular people are hated.

    What you want to do is be well-liked by most everyone.  Just be friendly.  You might not want to let them know about how your parents are in the circus or you breed snakes (just an example) quite yet, but just be yourself.  Don't seem fake, don't try to stand out too much, just blend in, be friendly, and have fun.

  4. u really should b urself....not to sound clixhe but its better and if u try to be popular u wont be!!!

    Good luck! don't be nervous

  5. First of all don't worry so much about being popular, I'm in college now and believe me, no one remembers who you were in high school anyway, so the most important thing is just to have fun in high school. Also who's going to know you're from a christian middle school anyway? Besides I don't see how that would make a difference anyway. Just have fun and be friendly! People love that.

  6. Oh I know how you feel.  I went to a Christian school all through elementary and middle school, where the classes had maybe 12 students and included 2 grades in that class (i.e. 5th & 6th graders were together).  I went to a high school where there were about 1200 students too and I didn't know how to act in public school.  My advice: your first day of school don't avoid the lunch room and don't avoid talking to people.  I remember on my first day I didn't want to go to the lunch room because I wouldn't know who to sit by because I didn't know anybody.  Well I didn't go to lunch for a week...I was so hungry! I didn't talk to anybody either.  When I finally opened up I realized it wasn't that bad to get to know new people.  Everyone was new, I wasn't the only one.  But then again I did become friends with the "popular kids" and it wasn't all it was cut out to be.  They all did drugs, drinking every night, and many more unmentionables.  If I had to go back in time, I'd choose a different group of friends.  Why get caught up in their drama? Live your own life and make friends because you like them, not because you want to be popular.  Don't waste your time trying to avoid talking to people you don't know...and if you mess up, so what! It's only four years.  Start over in college! You'll do fine.  Don't worry!

  7. most of the cool kids in high school party hard do drugs get arrested and some have eating disorders i have seen this happen to soo many people do u really want to give up ur morals

  8. don't try to be popular. but if u really want to be one : first take a look at the popular kids then ask yourself what are they doing? what makes them popular? if u figure that out, u'll be one! then do everything to be friends with them, that's usually the first step to popularity for everyone to know u!!!(i'm new in a group 2, but luckily a popular kid came to me and now i' not saying that i'm popular but everybody just knows me) and remeber studys first!!! Good Luck!

  9. Watch "Can't Buy Me Love"--you'll see how silly it is to want to be in the "popular" crowd. Being liked and having friends is one thing; being popular is a constant act to make sure you come across as cool. Most popular girls are either not that nice or are spending a whole lot of time being girls they aren't.

    With 1200 kids in the school, there will be many different types of kids. Unlikely you'll get classified as a dork. There will probably also be LOTS of people who don't know others in the school. If the school offers activities for new students the first few weeks, take advantage of them!! Great way to become a part of the school and get to know people.

    Remember: it's your school just as much as anybody else's there. Don't be afraid to be yourself and don't be afraid to be rejected. We can never be friends with everyone and aren't meant to be (look at Jesus--he was completely himself and good and had plenty of enemies! Can you imagine if he'd spent his time trying to be popular?.)

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