
Im going to a party and getting drunk?

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theres a party at 1:30 pm tommorw, (in the day) and i have not really every drank before. i want to get buzzed but myb not tottaly wasted. i also dont wanna throw up , but id like to see what a hangover feels like.

theres beer and vodka but i doubt ill be taking shots, any tips?

im 5'6, 150




  1. Dunno why you want a hangover???  You probably wont get one anyway - I know I didnt when I started drinking.  They are not fun.  They  just feel like a stomach flu witha headache and tiredness.

    If you havent drank before you well get buzzed pretty easily - stick with something clean like white wine, or vodka and lemonade.  Beer will probably make you tired and you could easily drink more than you should.

    Try and measure what youre drinking - take your own or get someone to watch you and stop you if you get to the drunk stage.  Vodka you dont want more than maybe 6 shots with a lot of lemonade.  Wine say maybe a bottle at most.  Drink water inbetween or at least move to water once you start feeling the effects of the drink.  If youre starting at 130 you should take it reeeal slow - or dont start drinking til 5.  You dont want to be know as the embarrasing drunk.

    Dont do shots - best way to end up passed out in a pool of sick.

    BTW Im guessing you are pretty young?  Take someone (sober) with you to make sure you dont do anything silly or get into any bad situations.   Im not going to say dont drink cos you obviously will anyway - just dont get silly drunk and be the talk of the party.  

    Remember the older kids at the party wont be the ones passed out at 3pm - but they will probably be encouraging the young kids to do it so they can laugh at them - dont fall for it.

  2. Actually, the best bet is to stay away from, I guess, asprin and NSAIDs, because it can worsen stomach upset when you drink alcohol.

    Also avoid pizza and spicy foods because of the same concern.

    So.....I suggest for a near-hangover....

    Try 2 Bud lights in a can, then two shots of whiskey, and I guess, two to three glasses of red wine...a Merlot would be best.

    Finish off with a half jug of PBR and it will be enough to get you buzzed.

    Some caveats when you are buzzed...

    Never, never drive when this way...because when you are buzzed, your blood alcohol content will be jacked up to, say, 0.23. Generally, you will end up very, very impaired.  In all states, once you get past 0.08 on the BAC, you are legally drunk and you will have to face the music. Our country (the USA) has zero tolerance for drinking and driving. You will end up in more than just the drunk tank. A DUI arrest can scar you for life because you will have run a rap sheet.

    Good luck on your hangover.

  3. why would you want to experience a headache,stomach ache and lightheadedness?hangovers suck

    but if you must drink have a glass of water in between each beer.dont do shots you'll barf

  4. yeah dont do it just for curosity reasons trust me its not worth the troubles

    and btw eating befor just slows down the process either way your body has to digest the food so the liver is still going to filter your blood you just wont be drunk as quick

  5. 1 30 PM??? man, thats early for a party!anyways, thats good you dont want to get wasted. i like being buzzed, its nice. but usually i dont get a hangover, which is also nice!

    since you arent very big and havent drank much before, you could stick to beer if you like the taste of it. it usually takes alot of beer to get drunk (of course, this varies depending on the individual person!) because it has a low alcohol content...but since you havent drank much before it could take 4 or 5? maybe even just 3? make sure you go slow.

    dont do shots, they will get you drunk pretty fast and probably wasted. but maybe you can mix them with something like orange juice, cranberry juice, any fruit juice, regular or diet: coke, sprite, any type of soda

    make sure you eat something decent before you go!

    when you start to feel buzzed, slow down on the drinking. you might be tempted to drink some more to keep the feeling lasting or to see what "just alittle more" would feel like. dont! the alcohol isnt just going to kick out of your system in 5 mins or something, give it some time when you start to get that i said, really slow down the drinking, or stop all together to ENSURE you dont get drunk or wasted!

    altho its different for everyone, this is how I know ive got a buzz: i can still walk ina  straight line and can have a normal conversation. im not going to do things i regret or cant remember the next day. i do become a bit more social, and everything just seems a little bit off-centre, but by no means is the room spinning or anything like that! i feel really laid back and relaxed. its really quite a nice feeling!

    remember: dont drive! AND dont get into a car that has an imparied driver!

    have fun, but be responsible!!!


  6. hello...   since we're talking about    I just ran across this survey you might be interested in.  You pick your favorite beer and then are entered to win $250.   I figured what the h**l.....I'd give it a try since it was free.

    Enjoy.  The site is

  7. My sister once told me to eat a loaf of bread before drinking parties...perhaps it'll soak everything up.  Don't drink and drive.

  8. Stick to beer and drink slooowly.  You really, really don't want to know what a hangover is like, trust me.  If it's a bad one, you will be in the bathroom with your head in the toilet feeling like you want to die.  Before you go to bed, drink a large glass of water.  Drinking will dehydrate you (even though it is liquid) and drinking a large glass of water before you go to bed will help keep you a little hydrated and that will help in the morning.  Also, make sure you don't drink on an empty stomach..  oh, and do not, whatever you do, do not mix beer and wine, beer and alcohol, etc...  stick to one thing.

    Oh, and at the risk of sounding like your mother..  don't drink and drive, or take a ride from someone who is drunk.   I'm not trying to be a drag here, but I lost a friend, he was driving drunk and only 17..  too young to die.

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