
Im going to a teenage mom meeting tonight i need help!?

by  |  earlier

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its not a parenting class, its just to talk about how teenage moms can do it, im 16 and pregnant and never met another teen mom so im excited to find girls who live around me, in the same boat! but what do i say?! my ex is an a*****e with another gf.. should i go down that road? should i bring sonos? bring baby pics of me?! did anyone go through this before? im excited but im scared on what to say or do




  1. just tell them what your le is like and about the dad. I guess I was one of the kinda lucky ones. I say kinda lucky cause my first child who is almost 3 now daddy cheated on me, but we got through that we are now happily married and having our 2nd. child whois also going to be a girl. I was 16 and he was 17 . I'm almost 20 and he just turned 20 a month ago. It's not easy I'm sure you already know that. Do you have any guy friends that can be there for you and the baby and help you through this. I have tons of friends most of them guys and I thought it was so cute when I got prego cause they all started to want babies LOL. well if you need some one to talk to you can E-Mail me anytime for anything

    good luck

    he may come around once the baby comes and he may not

  2. edon't worry, they are going to be wrapped up in their own life so much, they aren't going to judge you based on your life.  Just make sure you are open and honest, and you'll be fine.

    I'm sure they'll be a good support system for you ^^

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