
Im going to australia (all over) in two weeks...what do i wear according to the weather?

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im going to be going to sydney and to melbourne and to cairns and to byron bay? im sorry if i mis spelled.

i know some of these places are cold and some hot but i would like to know how cold and how hot.

ideas on what to wear are wlcome!!! ;)




  1. It does depend where you are coming from.

    If you are coming from a Cold climate, then our cold weather may be warm to you.

    My wife is from a Hot climate country, and finds our current weather very cold, wearing jumpers, and thick stockings under trousers today.

    I am from a colder climate and am still wearing short sleeve shirts, and thin trousers today.  I am considering sleeping in a separate bedroom tonight as she insists on having the HEATING on !!

    I hope this helps you to understand the problem in answering your question.

    PS: it is currently 16°C, cold to her, but OK to me.

    Although last night it did hit 5°C at some stage, and we are in QLD.

  2. Sleeveless dresses sounds about right.

  3. If it rains, wear a coat and hat.  If it's sunny, take them off.

  4. I'm on the Gold Coast Queensland not far from Byron Bay.

    In Melbourne especially you will need warm clothes. Melbourne is not far from The Snowy Mountains where it can get mighty cold . Sydney slightly warmer but still a jacket will be required. Our winter is June July and August.

    Once you travel North you are heading to the Tropics. Byron bay is in a semi tropical region but at the moment we have a beautiful Sunny day but really cool nights. last night was down to 8 and 17 during the day. We've had plenty of rain which is unusual but hopefully we will be having a good break from it. Once you go further North to Cairns from Rockhampton above you are then in the Tropics . Here they only have 2 seasons,The wet and the Dry season. They are now in The dry season and the temperatures are just perfect, Shorts and Tshirts or sleeveless dresses are just perfect but keep a cotton top with sleeves available incase you do get a slightly cooler breeze. Cairns today has a wind and is 18 celcius during the night and 25 day time.

  5. Melbourne can get pretty freezing and is very indecisive when it comes to picking what season it wants to be..Sydney can get pretty cold too, and its July - supposed Australian Winter so you should dress for that. But the weather is always changing so bring clothes for all weather types, but pack a little more heavily the winter clothes

    :) hope i helped :)

  6. here in qld its quite cold at the moment

  7. today is Wednesday July 9th and currently cold and on 17 degrees. recommended you wear a jumper and jeans or a sweater it is cold and past days we have had rain and some sun

  8. In Melbourne and Sydney you will find it is quite cold, although very cold in Melbourne. In Cairns and Byron Bay it will be quite mild to warm.  If you do a google "world time clock" you can look up to see the weather that Australia is having at the moment.  Good luck on your journey, I hope you enjoy our beautiful country. So therefore, winter woollies in Melbourne and Sydney, up north in Cairns and Byron Bay you will need lighter clothing.

  9. No matter where you go in Australia, its going to be cold... Sydney and Melbourne are the coldest places, so definately warm clothes and socks and gloves... Cairns, wont be as cold as Syd & Melbs, but it still pays to have a few warm clothes ie... Jumpers, Daks, but also cargo 3/4 and will be fine for Cairns...

  10. Melbourne temps in winter: can be -5C or 22F at night Max day temp around: 10C or 50F

    Gold Coast temps in winter: can be 5C or 40F at night

    day temp around: 25C or 75C degrees,

  11. This is a great Australian weather site where you can check out current and average temperatures - but remember we use celsius not farenheit.

    It is winter here now, so Melbourne especially will be cool - I suggest lots of layers - jeans and a jumper and you may have to buy a cheap scarf and beanie when you get here.

    Sydney will be warmer, but again I'd suggest jeans, a t-shirt and a cardigan.

    Byron will be the warmest. You may be ok with a summer dress some days or better still three-quarter cargo pants, but again you'll need a cardigan.

    There has been a fair bit of rain lately, so some kind of spray jacket could be handy.

  12. Sydney, Bryon Bay and Melbourne are currently between 12 and 20 degrees during the day. so can be classed as cold, depends on where your coming from! It can get cold at night, so jeans and a few layers is your best bet, a good hoodie.

    Esp Bryon bay can get quite cold and windy.

    Carins will be nice mid to high 20's so jeans for the evening but you should be OK with t-shirts & shorts for during day, just take a jacket for when it starts to cool down.

    Remember Aus is as big as europe so what's happening at the top can be totally differnet to the bottom half! Enjoy.

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