
Im going to be a mp in the army and i want a job with alot of action what should i say b4 signing up?

by  |  earlier

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like is there a swat in the army? could i do tht if i requested it? what would it be called?




  1. tank driver has some cool parts like crushing cars

  2. SWAT ??  h**l no.

    Airborne Rescue Ranger.

    go anywhere any time no notice no time to practice and save somebody's A** from being captured, tortured, killed.  Who needs publicity when you know you've got it??  Does a Porsche 930 RSR race a Chevy  Vega station wagon at a red light ?? You haven't lived till you've done a HALO drop, at night, in a thunderstorm..........

    Let's play follow the leader to see who pays for dinner sometime.

    I'll start with 20 pull ups wide grip behind my back all he way up and all the way down - S-L-O-W.

    See yah out 'there.

  3. check out special forces infantry cav scout theirs alot but say you wanna see combat an be front lines

  4. Also check out Infantry

  5. Did you even talk to the recruiter about being an MP?  Our primary task is law enforcement, and yes, there is a SWAT type group in the MP world, but we call it SRT.  The first thing you need to do is complete basic and AIT and get assigned to your first unit.  When you are at your unit, you can request to go SRT, and if you qualify, you can get trained.  If you go to a line unit, you will be doing field MP work, convoy escorts, EPW missions and TCP's, that is where your action is.  If you get a law enforcement unit, you will be driving around in patrol cars on base, and unless you want to be a cop, its not much fun, but a part of our job.  I am an MP, formerly enlisted and now an MP officer.

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