
Im going to be having s*x willingly for the first time i need help!?

by  |  earlier

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Well i've been talking to this boy for a long time now and recently we've taken things to the next nevel. Now he wants to have s*x and he wants head. Ive never gaven head or had s*x willingly before. Due to personal issues that happend in the past i try to avoid it as much as possible. But now i feel that im ready. But my problem is im not sure how to go about things. Like when we hangout how do i know what time is right? What do i start off with? How do i know what he wants? Im not sure what to do can someone help me and give me the 411 on all of this?




  1. Relax! Everything will be ok...just let him do what your confortable with and you do what your comfortable with....and be dont want to hurt him. dont try to plan it out...just let it happen. good luck let me know if you need anything else.

  2. You said "he wants to have s*x" and you have had some other tramatic experience since you say "willingly".  

    You don't want to and you are not ready.  Aside from the fact that you are too are not emotionally ready and you have already been tramatized by something earlier.  Explain this to your BF and if he understands...GREAT.  If he doesn't...he isn't a keeper anyway.

  3. Obviously your not ready, nor are you married. I'd wait. You sound confused, mixed up, and just not ready to go that far, because of you past and all.

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