
Im going to be working at a daycare and I would like to know what will the first day be like?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know some of the things that we have to do on the first day?give me a idea on what it will be like.Thank You.




  1. They are going to be watching to see how well you interact with the kids, how well you follow rules and directions but also how well you improvise on your own. If you really enjoy kids then you shouldn't have any problems.

  2. you will probably be observing the class the 1st few days. The kids will try to test you b/c your a new teacher, but don't let them walk over you, even though its your 1st day and you don't know them that well be stern! Good Luck!

  3. some of the kids are going to get you really mad and your going to feel like spanking them, but you have to keep your cool and do your best not to let you anger win you over.

  4. On the first day you will probably be with another teacher, and you will probably just observe the routines and procedures of the class, or center.

  5. It will be one of the most exciting and tiring days of your life!  You will meet many children who are so excited to have a new friend to play with and you will become an instant star.  You will have to talk more than you normally would so keep a water bottle handy or your mouth will be dry.

    Make sure you constantly get down to the children's level by squatting or sitting.  Be a help to your co-workers by offering your help so that they do not have to ask you to do things like help clean tables or tidy the floor.

    I am excited for you.  Good luck...but you won't need it.  Have fun and enjoy the kids.

  6. Go have fun get to know  the children and your co workers.

    Remember all the things you have been taught and go with the flow. Whenever I am having a bad day at work I just look at the children's faces and try to remember why I chose this job......the love of children !!!!

    Go and  enjoy and the day will look after its self.

    Good luck.

  7. Interact with the children and staff. Check with the other teachers to see if there is anything specific they would like you to do. Go from center to center and talk to the children, enjoy what you are doing. Smile as much as you can and use what you have already learned about children and teaching. Don't forget to breath. Good luck and have fun!

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