
Im going to buy a snowboad. but im a beginner. but i love it. anything i should know on buying the right one?

by  |  earlier

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how long. what color. what kind. flexible? short?




  1. well make sure that your heels and toes are at least the same on bothe sides of the board... and for length, you kinda want your board to be at your chin. for color, doesn't matter. for what kind, all brands have different varieties of boards, so it really just deppends on the board. and for flexibility, i like pretty flexable boards, but just think about what you'll be doing on it, and you'll probably get your answer... but flexible boards are all-around good.

    ride free Kylie...!

  2. Color = not important.

    As a beginner something shorter and softer is better.  But you don't say how tall you are or how much you weigh or anything that actually determines what's best for you.

    Don't take random strangers on the internet as the best resource.  Talk to employees at board shops, they'll get you set up as best as they can.

  3. its all you really, depending on how tall you are, get a board about up to ur neck, nose when standing up, when ur gonna set the bindings, put them about shoulder width apart, maby a little more. Depending if your goofy or regular tilt the binding a little to the outside and your other foot, tilt it too. but have which ever way you ride down the mountain, have that foot tiliting more outwards than the other. flexibilty is mostly for like riding through deep pow and stuff. stiifer boards are for hitting rails and stuff like that so if i were u i would get something a little softer, i find it easier to control just find a decent board with a decent price maby morrow or rossignol, well good luck on gettting your board

  4. i think color is the least of your worries. the most important thing i believe is you get the right width size board. if you buy too narrow or wide of a board for your size it will be harder to ride than a too short or too long board. if its too narrow you would need risers or else your boots are gonna get caught on the snow while turning and too wide is harder to turn than  you would like. generally speaking the length of the board should be around your chin to nose area when stood up. then flex. stiffer boards are less forgiving than flexible boards, so try to look for something in between or a bit softer.

  5. Or should you buy this first and get better?

  6. well shorter boards are for tricks and long boards are for speed so eaither get a one as tall as ur soldier or shorter for easy turning flexable is ok but really isnt different types of that and get like a k2 or burton board cause those r really good

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