
Im going to france for about 90 days how much money should i bring??

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im staying there with my partner all we really have to do is pay for food and a modest adventure we are stay with a host family in angers france while he attends school food and entertainment is a must so what should we do?




  1. I'm am an American student on study abroad in France right now.  You can live economically and not spend too much money, or you can eat out every meal and spend a fortune.  I assume you'd probably like a happy medium.  

    Find a good grocery store -- the house brand items can be really cheap, and try to avoid the American labels (1.5 liter bottle of house brand Cola: 0.34 euro, Coca-Cola: 1.65 euro).

    Based on your age, I would assume you'd like to go to restaurants, bars, clubs, etc. over your 3-month stay, and this can add up easily.  A nice, fixed-menu dinner out can cost about 30 euro and up, and drinks at least 5 euro or so.

    Also, if you decide to travel (which I would recommend), make sure to factor in money for train tickets and lodging. Tourist attractions can cost a lot too. (I believe it's about 20 euro to get into the Louvre in Paris).

    STUDENTS can often get discounts on lots of things, so bring a student ID (you can get an International Student ID for $18 at STA Travel in the U.S.).

    I'm running on about $900 USD  per month after rent, which translates do about 650 euro.  Of course, how much money you need will vary from region to region.

    And also, don't bring/carry that kind of money in cash.  Thieves and pickpockets love airports and train stations. It's well worth the money for travelers checks.

    Hope this helped, and Bon Voyage!

  2. around 700 euros

  3. 3000€ without a doubt, France is very me,

    im English and been living here for a year.

  4. alot, i agree wit pete, ESPECIALLY in Paris (if you go there), everything is sooooo expensive, especially cuz the $ is lower in value than the euro it will cost more, but bring a lot, lik maybe 1000 to 2000 maybe 3000

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