
Im going to germany this march. can someone who is familiar with germany tell me about some things over there?

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i wish to know about what are some things that can be bought at LOW prices over there. is puma and adidas selling cheap over there ?




  1. well, if you are looking for clothes and shoes: as far as i have figured that out, all of that stuff is usually cheaper in the states. it can vary, of course.

    have a nice trip!

  2. Birkenstock has a huge outlet in Bad Hoenef, near Bonn.  I don't know of any Adidas or Puma outlets.

  3. Germany is not a destination for bargains. Your not going to find anything there any cheaper than in the states, in fact most everything is more expensive...

  4. Sorry, you can buy adidas and puma articles cheaper in the US.Adidas and Puma have Outlet Stores in Herzogenaurach, near Erlangen-Nürnberg. But check the prices, normally its cheaper in the US. The currency dollar to euro is bad too for you.

    When I travel to the US I buy all my clothes there.

  5. ahh yess, Bier is dirt cheap, try kolsch, everything else is expensive, germany is nice country, but well worth the money

  6. The € is stronger than the $ so that kinda sucks. In Berlin clothes and stuff are more expensive. Whenever I go to the States to visit I bring back jeans for everyone. Actually, the only really good thing here, sorry to say, is the beer. Much better and cheaper... And some other various food articles. I'ts cheaper to get to another country though. So you should take advantage of that. Go lots of places in Germany and maybe some other places in Europe. Polen has weaker curency and the beer is even cheaper there! lol

  7. You will find lower prices for things like shampoo, lotion, shower gel and soap. Every time I go over to Germany I come back with half a suitcase full of Nivea things.

    Also, the candy from Haribo, like Gummibaers. And Milka and Kinder Chocolate. That usually fills up the other half of my suitcase.

    Definitely not clothing. Way cheaper over here.

  8. In German restaurants, beer is cheaper than water.

    My mom bought 2 or 3 pairs of Birkenstocks (sandals) in Berlin because they were cheap.

  9. Puma and Adidas here in Germany expensive too. You need to look some items like that on sale. It is expensive living in Germany and also when you are coming from the US, remember the $ is so low and the Euro is so high. But here is many shopping areas and many stores making like in US often Sale,  50% to 70%. You need to just look... have fun by shopping and great time in nice Germany....

  10. sneakers and clothing is way too expensive over is much cheaper, could get a crate of 0.5 becks bottles for about 10 euros, but you also have to pay pfand which is usually another 0.08 cents a bottle plus another 2 for the crate

  11. I was there last year, everything is higher and you need to consider the Euro kills the dollar.

  12. Most of my friends from Berlin come over here or have me send them clothing, like sneakers, etc. because they are way cheaper over here. The food in Germany is awesome, especially the beer, but also cheese, chocolate, and coffee. For some more in depth information, check out this site:

    Have fun and be safe! :)

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