
Im going to get a 20 gallon tank..give me me suggestions of fishes i should get?

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how many should i get and wht combos to make my tank look nice

for ex (2 platies, 5 tetras, etc.)...

i wanted goldfisehs but i guess my tank would be too small to house 5-10 goldfishes

but i would like to have at most 10 fishes...




  1. 1 kissing gourami pink 2 black mollies 2 red sword tails 1 parrot fish

  2. my uncles has a sea star and sea horse in his tank with clown fish and other kinds i do not know the names of

  3. My first suggestion is to go to a local fish or pet store, find some fish that you like, write down their names and do some research on them.

    My best suggestion is to have at least one school of fish, like about 6 large growing tetras, or 10 small growing ones. Out of that you can get different types of bottom feeders, I find shrimp are great for a cleanup crew, or you can try any catfish type bottom feeder such as cories or any other small growing catfish. Kuhli loaches are nice, but they should also be kept in groups if you want them to be truly happy. In your tank you could go with many different options. Gourami's are a nice fish as well, but can be aggressive towards other fish. Another great beginner fish is a zebra danio. I would try to avoid most types of barbs as they are known for fin nipping.

  4. two opaline gourami (same s*x, if u have one male and female, the male will stress the female too much, you need two females for every male, but ur tank isnt big enough...) these are beautiful fish with interesting personalities.

    also get three otos. they will keep the tank alittle cleaner and are cute. you will have to supply occational veggies, but that all for these guys.

    opaline gouramis are mostly gentle, so you can put hardy small fish with them. i suggust guppies, the are big enough to not be eaten bu the gourami, but are beautiful and hardy. get three or four of these, but like the gourami, they need three females for every male, or all one gender.

    also, you can then get two dwarf frogs, or instead, you can have two shrimp, if you have a good filter to take the excess bio-load.

    the frogs are so cute and interesting, while the shrimp are interesting, but keep the tank really clean.

    i have a combination of these, and it is beautiful!!

  5. Eve, Sall, & CC are right on...

    My first suggestion for a 20 Gallon is to go on up to a 29 Gallon.  Just as easy to care for and not too much bigger.

    Either way...20 to 29 is a good size.

    Fish wise...

    1 Dwarf Gourami

    5 Blackskirt Tetra

    1 Redtail Shark

    5 Albino Cory Cats

    The Dwarf Gourami will give ya a little color, whether you get a Flame or Blue.  The Blackskirt Tetra are usually good a give ya a different shape.  The Redtail Shark is fun to watch and you should have a log or something for him to hide well as lots of cover for the cory cats and such.  The Redtail Shark is really a loach and stays usually bottom area of tank with the cories.

    Another suggestion...

    5 Zebra Danios or Leopard Danios

    5 Tiger Barbs

    1 Dwarf Pleco

    3 Green Cory Cats

    I like the Tiger the Blackskirt Tetra, they provide a different shape with a little color.  The Danios will stay at the top of the tank and are very active.  The Dwarf Pleco is good cleaner and needs some hiding space.  The Cories need some cover (plants, a log, etc.)...but are good in group of 3 - 5 and very social.  Stay away from reg size Plecos...they get a 29 Gallon, maybe, but then still pushing it a bit. If you do go a bit bigger, you could also add a Kissing Gourami.  But only one...when they "Kiss" they usually are fighting for territory.

    One last suggestion...

    If it's color you want

    5 Black Light Tetra

    5 neon Tetra

    5 Glo light Tetra (ones with orange strip down center...not the dyed danios)

    1 Dwarf Blue of Flame Gourami

    3 Cory Cats

    With the Black Light and Neons it would be ok since they are a bit smaller.

    There are a lot of possibilities have fun with it.  Also consider underground filter system to compliment your regular over the tank filter...this will add for good filtration no matter what ya put in there.

    Best of Luck!

  6. you could house 10 fish that stay under 2 inches

  7. first thing i would get ur tank fully cycled. go to and look up the nitrogen cycle. it will help u set by step to establish ur tank properly.

    after that, we can start adding fish. i would only recommend getting a few fish at a time. and most importantly make sure the fish that u decide to get wont outgrow the tank.

    for a 20g tank i would stick to passive community fish. and here is a list of what i would put in there.

    5 neons

    3 cory cats (pandas, sterbai, bronze, albino,ect)

    1 clown pleco(aka candy stripe pleco) for an algae eater or get 2 ottocinclus(dwarf sucker mouth or dwarf algae eater, dont get it confused with the chinese algae eater)

    5 platies or guppies

    you can mix match all of these species as long as u dont exceed about 25inches worth of fish when they are full grown.

    rummy nose tetras

    rainbow fish

    hatchet fish


    black neons

    emperor tetras

    glass cats

    glow light tetras

    koohli loach

    bumble bee golby

  8. here are some stocking ideas

    3 mollies

    3 guppies

    3 platies

    6 rummy nose tetras

    6 rasboras

    6 cory cats


    1 dwarf gourami

    3 platies

    3 swordtails

    6 cardinal tetras

    6 silver tipped tetras

    6 otocinclus

    or if you like cichlids

    1 pair of kribs

    6 silver tipped tetras

    6 short finned serpae tetras

    1 bristlenose pleco


    1 pair of blue rams

    6 rainbow fish

    6 cardinal tetras

    5 kuhli loaches

  9. do like a community tank with maybe.....


         -6 tetras of some sort  

         -2 swordtails

         -1 small type of gourami-they are pretty it can be like the big main fishie


         -3 kuhli loaches-fun to watch, they are nocturnal and dont add tht much of a bioload.

         -2-3 mystery snails-clean the tank and you dont really have to do anything for them

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