
Im going to get a rat, But only one..?

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Has any one had any success with having only one rat?

This will be my first rat, so i really want to concentrate on his/hers wellbeing.

I have reseached so much about rats and whenever the topic comes up about having only the one rattie, everyone says you should get two...

Is it really so bad to only have 1 rat?

I will give mine ALOT of attention as i know they are extremely social, and i will give him/her alot of love :)

Thanks guys =D




  1. They're happiest in a pair/group. Why not get two? Don't you want your rat(s) to be as happy as they can be? Double the fun, too.

    If you absolutely insist on getting just one, look at local shelters/rescues. Some times they will have a rat that does best on their own, doesn't get along with other rats.

    If you want to get one from a pet store, find a store that sells MALES. Personally, I think keeping a female alone without good reason (inability to get along with others), is just cruel. They're very energetic and basically thrive off of a companion.

    Males are usually content one way or the other.

    You have to think ahead, though. You may be able to give a rat constant attention right now, but what about later? What happens if you get too busy, too tired, etc? This rat has no one BUT you, and it's no life for a rat that slow gets less & less attention.

  2. i have only one rat i got him 2 weeks ago he is doing pretty good by himself u just have to get himj out a lot and play with him and hold him u have to love him a lot and give him a lot of attention but if u get two he will get more comfortable quicker then just being by himself

  3. Only if you keep your rat with you all day long, which generally does not happen.

    Most people think that if they just play with their lone rat a few hours a day it will be OK, but rats live in social groups. They need a constant companion. Even if you are with them all day long, it's not the same as a fellow rat. They groom each other & play together. Rats are very active at night while you're sleeping, and lone rats don't have anyone to interact with at that time. It's just not really fair. Some say that they've had lone rats who were perfectly happy, but I'm CERTAIN that they would have noticed an incredible change in that rat's mood if they had gotten it a friend.

  4. i think you should get 2! i have one rat and i think he's deppressed because he is lonely, so he is very aggressive! and my mom wont get another! :( rats live longer in same s*x pairs/groups,they are happier and nicer! give them plenty of space, carefresh bedding (never get pine or cedar,the fumes can kill them!:( ♥) good luck! :) ♥

  5. I have had success in only one,the key is to have them on your shoulder no matter what your doing,watching tv, cleaning,not bathing but you could try but they don't really appreciate that lol but have them on you 24/7 and they will be happy,it is better to get 2 but as long as the first thing you do when you get home from school or wake up is get them out they are fine :)

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