
Im going to go to jamaica and i want to smoke weed?

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im going to jamaica , and im going with my parents , and i want to smoke weed w.o them knowing ... how can i do so ?




  1. Weed has a strong thick odor, hard to keep it a secret.  Lots of locals will offer, but they might try to rip you off once they see your wallet.  Not a great idea.

  2. Not a good idea.

  3. The folks would know if you smoke a cigarette and grass is a lot stronger smelling then that, not to mention the high you might get.  If you are bound and determined to smoke, the best thing would be to use this trip to scout out the area so you can return with a bundle of cash (for bail/bribes) without the parents on the next trip.  Of course, on the next trip also have the name of a couple good Jamaican lawyers along with contact information for the folks and someone to get you out of jail as soon as possible (cause you don't want to spend even 1 hour there).  There is so much in the air at certain locations that you just have to inhale the air to get a buzz.  Enjoy Jamaicamon but stay away from the weed!!!!

  4. You can't.  They'll smell the pot on you when they go to the jail to try to bail you out.

  5. well your not a local and you will stick out like a sore thumb the police will  target you and if they catch you you will be in a Jamaican prison with heavy fees cause they will take you for everything you got, many locals will try to rip you off and its dirt cheap to but but they will **** with you to no end,

    second the ganja trade is mixed with violence many police and jamaicain solidiers are killed iver things envoleing the trade and they in turn kill many dealers so understand you are aiding a horrible situation and though many people in jam society do smoke alot of  the people of the upper and middle class who are trying to make a better society dont and will not aprreaciate you,  its against the law in jamaica dont let any other ignorant fool tell you other wise,  either way your takeing a risj with the law or the people who deal and if you dont mnd contributeing to the deaths of people by all means

  6. Underage smoking will not put you in Jail in Jamaica especially if you are a visitor of another country, drug trafficking will though. (at any age).

    I happen to live in Jamaica, I've never smoked anything, but have neighbors who love smoking weed, It's not addictive, but be very careful about who you get/buy it from, coz if you get the bad stuff (Weed mixed with crack) you'll be hooked for life.

    Now the Rasta population of Jamaica always has weed on hand, they come out in their numbers on Saturdays to give praise and thanks to their God (Selassie).

    You're young and trying new things is something all young people do.

    Good luck.

  7. It is against the law! Do not do that to your parents. you will get caught.

  8. Haha, you are so naive its not even funny. Don't get upset when something happens to you because you put your self in danger.

  9. keep your bail $$ on you


  11. It depends i went on a cruise and the last stop was jamaica and i got some of their chronic. Proley the best reefer ive ever toked on but if you are just going to jamaica and are gonna be with your parents the whole time forget about it. My friend and i just blazed up once we were back on the boat.

    Cuz we didnt have to be around our parents we could leave cause the boat was so big. Also you can get like a killer eighth of chronic down there for 10 bucks/

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