
Im going to holland amsterdam so u know if theres alot of racism there and r the women into black men ?

by  |  earlier

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not the prostitutes?




  1. There's LOADS of black people in Holland, don't worry about racism, not in Holland, the people there are friendly and fair.

    Well the ones i've met, but Amsterdam has a huge population of black people.

  2. I don't think you will have a problem, although it might cost you a bob or two!

  3. Why do people always assume they'll get laid on holiday

    NEWS FLASH!!!!!

    If you're ugly here you're ugly anywhere

  4. Racism is not a major problem in The Netherlands.

  5. There are enough white women into black males. There's not that much racism, as a matter of fact, the foreigners discriminate themselves lol. There are lots and lots of black people here, don't you worry. There aren't that much Dutch people left, the majority is Turkish/Moroccan.

  6. You'll pull.. s*x is 10 a penny anywhere for anyone looking..

  7. i don't know  if there is  but  don't  go  with  that  kind  of  thinking  be  yourself  enjoy  your  stay  don't  worry  about  the  little  people  with  little  minds  holding  racism  inside  treat  people  like  they  treat  you  smile  and  be  friendly  if  others  don't  like  you  that's  their  loss  not  yours  i  wish  i  was  going  with  you  have  a good  time  and  be  safe

  8. For the most part it does not matter....Dutch issues center on other topics. If you go seeking a skin head, you might, a) get the wrong person...some White Dutch males shave their heads as do Blacks and Asians, or b) get what some might consider an ugly woman interested in you?

    Amsterdam is a city of many peoples, cultures and might find Haarlem interesting, and the Hague or Rotterdam too. Take a day trip to Groningen... I was in a small supermarket there, and the PA system was playing "Whatever you want" by Babyface. This town was in what I considered the middle of nowhere?

    Of all the places in the world to enter with the questioning mind of a child is Amsterdam. You will either "catch on" to an experience that will astound you about a very different approach to life, or it will just pass you by. Either way, enjoy your visit.

    If you are from New York...take a really good look at the architecture...Manhattan is nothing more than a HUGE copy of Amsterdam (as it was intended to be).

    The people you see will look the same as in the US...just remember that they are not, and they will recognize you as foreign, just as quickly as you will, but smile...and they will smile back.


    Don't be surprised if the Queen's limo (with closed windows) is booming "'s my Perogative" by Mr. Brown in muffled bass. It's very different.


    They were once a territory and ruled by Spain. Now figure that?

  9. Don't worry Holland is a very open minded country. They tend to pride themselves on being a safe haven for immigrants and refugees. If anything they is less racism there than in the U.S.

  10. Relax man, just keep an open mind. You will find hardly any racism in the Netherlands. And as a true citizen of Amsterdam I only can sy COME and see for yourself

  11. Amsterdam is actually a very international city, and has a substantial black population from the Caribbean, Suriname, and West Africa.  You are highly unlikely to encounter racism there.

  12. my husband is from holland and i lived there for a short time. holland isnt racist at all towards black people. they seem to accept everyone over there. i actually love it over there. im sure there are some women that are into black men. good luck and have a great trip. u will love it

  13. Amsterdam is a very multi cultural city of many colors, which makes it a very interesting place to be.

    If your goal is to find a quick romance in Amsterdam, you are going for the wrong reasons and will miss out on a lot.

    Especially Dutch women are not interested in men of any color that come and visit with that kind of attitude.

  14. Amsterdam is an easy going tolerant city. As for girls into black men  no idea but why wouldn't they be

  15. Hey

    Let me tell you quite frankly that - you WON'T find racism anywhere in world as it's in UK. More than that Amsterdam is an international place and thriving place. You will never ever see those bloody ****. It's a cosmopolitan place with lot of people of different ethnic background which makes it beautiful and diversified.

    Be assured - you will have a brilliant time.


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