
Im going to join the military and my family.......?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to join but i don't know my mos yet and i said either infantry or something else and they said you not going to do infantry but i want to if i do infintry will they get over it ?




  1. Yes they will get over it.  It is your life.  If you are old enough to join the military, then you are now an adult and are now responsible for your own actions.  Tell them their job is finished and they need to trust you now to do what you feel is best for you.  The first step to becoming an adult is accepting that responsibility.  

  2. Ban,

    You have two options for going infantry - Army and Marines.

    If one won't give it to you, try the other.

    That is, unless you're a woman.


  3. Do what you want. if youre 18 its your choice. they should get over it and support you eventually

  4. i grew up with my grandparents and my 2 uncles are like bros to me. Their youngest son(my uncle) who is only 18 just joined infantry in the Marines. at first my grandparents were like "WTF? are you crazy!?" but when it grew closer to the date where he gets shipped off to boot they realized it is his life and his choice and whatever decision he made they would support him in whatever way they could. You know why? because they loved him and would do anything for him. And if your family could relate to mine then i think they have a good chance of getting over it. good luck in whatever choice you make! and if you do wind up in Infantry all i can say is..."your the S**T!!!!" haha

  5. totally and support you!!!!! trust!!

  6. My bf just left monday to go to GA for Infantry training. It will be hard. But as my bf said "if Im joining the Army, I want to be a real solider". If it's your parents who don't want you to, they will get over it, do what you want. My bf said if he couldn't do Infantry, he wouldn't join period. Its hard on me as being his gf, but we'll make it work. Want anymore info, email me.  

  7. join as a 19D bro- cav scout. youre trained as infantry and also armor so you get a nice taste of both. Also as 19D you get to play with new weapons and gear and tats always fun. You'lll learn stealth as well and so much more that you dont get a taste of in infantry. But you gotta be able to carry heavy stuff on a constant basis, when we're behind enemy lines, supply lines are a no go. Id say its a more extreme version of infantry that combines in armor as well with the Striker. i love it. look into it and if u have any questions, hit me up bro

  8. As a career soldier, you should try and get a skill. It doesn't matter what MOS you get, chances of deployments are great. My only advise is that you use the service to further your education or learn a skill (medical (X Ray tech), mechanic (ground or aviation)).  Infantryman or tank driver on a civilian resume doesn't do much for employers. Good luck.  Peace and blessings.  An old soldier

  9. Truthfully it will depend on what you place best in. You give them a few of the jobs you want within the military and based on your scores after testing they'll choose what's best for you.

    If you don't get chosen for infantry then your family will be happy, if you do, you can explain to your family that it wasn't your decision in the end.

    Infantry is a tough job, you deploy more (like 3x more) than most jobs in the military and it's extremely straining both on your family and I you. However, in a situation like the marines you have a shorter enlistment period so you only have to stay in for 4 years, the pay is a bit better, and the job promotes a lot faster.

  10. Infantry can be tough on a family. You'll deploy more and have more combat-related training.

    If you're talking moms and pops I'd say they'll get over it when the pride kicks in.

  11. it depends on what branch you go with, the Marine corps gives you really good training and if you take it seriously your parents have nothing to worry about. most MOS's are going to put you in danger when you deploy, just take the training seriously

  12. s***w that dude go ARMOR! You still get to see battle but you'll be sitting behind a 26 Ton piece of metal with bullet proof paint. Just tell your parents you want to go armor and then you'll see battle and your parents will be fine with it.

  13. Unless you're muy macho and want to prove your manhood, try some other MOS. You can always volunteer for the infantry later if you want. First, get through all the stuff the Army will throw at you and see if you like it. It is all tough, but if you like it, you can always volunteer for the airborne ranger or special forces.

    Your family has a right to be concerned. The highest casualties are among the infantry and I'm sure while they may be proud of you, they don't want to be attending your funeral anytime soon. So do what you want (since you're of age) but just remember that having your family's emotional support is really helpful for surviving in the military.

  14. I assume your 18. They don't get a say, and everyone will still love you just as much if not more. They are just scarred that they may loose you. I wish you all the luck in the world.  Remember don't take anything for granted it is very serious over there and there will be young men who think it is just Call to Duty 6 it isn't.  Don't let some want to be hero get you killed.

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